Published — v. 11
Contact connections and roles

Contact connections and roles

Contact files (both individual and structure ones) can be linked to one another. In this page we are going to explore the different connections that can be established between them.

These are the connections that can be established between individual contact files:

When linking individual contact files you will establish a hierarchy between them. This hierarchy, in Secutix, is defined by the terms "Parent" and "Child". This doesn't mean that those contacts are really family, but that one of them is the principal one -the "parent". For example, it could be a group of friends, and the "parent" one the one that usually pays and manages purchases and reservations.

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A "child" contact file, in relationship to the "parent" connections, can have different roles:

  • Member: Any individual who is a member of a structure (aka.: works at that company) could be linked as a “child” to a relay contact of that structure. The relay would then be able to see the member list of the structure and distribute tickets to them through his account on the internet ticket shop. The relay would also be able to remove members from the list.
  • Subgroup (Subgroup member): As relays can also be linked between them, there is the possibility to establish this very particular kind of relation: Contact A is a relay of a subsidiary company. Contact B is the relay of the mother company of that subsidiary. Contact A would be linked to contact B as a "child" with a "subgroup" role.
  • Invoice contact: The "child" contact billing address can be used by the "parent" contact for the order he is buying on ticket shop. If the "child" contact is a relay (and the shop is configured as "structure buying"), the addresses of the structure he's linked to will be proposed instead.
  • Shipment contact: The "child" shipping address can be used by the "parent" contact for the order he is buying on ticket shop.
  • Distribution partner: The "child" contact, as a distribution partner, would be a relay. The "parent" contact would then be able to send tickets to him.
  • Family: Family and friends of the "parent" contact, who would be able to buy tickets on behalf of the "child" and see his orders.
  • There are a couple options that are no longer used even if they are still available: Structure member and sponsor.

A "parent" individual contact file, in relationship to the "child" connections, can have different roles:

  • Family: Only "parent" individuals can select this option.
  • Shipment contact
  • Distribution partner: Only "parent" relays can select this option.

(lightbulb) When only a relay is set for a structure, they will become the primary contact. If a structure has more than one relay, you'll be able to change and choose who needs to be the primary relay: They'll be able to see and modify the information of their structure on the ticketshop, including the structure criteria and financial management.

Go back to the contact file

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