Organisation | Contacts | Import contacts
Pre-requisit: none
Aim: this page lists all contact criteria that exist for your institution with the values associated.
Type: authorisation (standard marketing authorisation to contact customers, and wpreferred ways of contacting them) or criterion
Rank: internal ranking in the database
Name: internal name of authorisation/criterion
Code: code of the authorisation/criterion
Value: possible value for the authorisation/criterion. In case of "Free text", then there is no pre-defined value. T/F stands for True / False for boolean criteria.
Example: in case of customised contact import, you may use the example to populate cells with the provided example
When you double-click on a line, you can change the internal and external names of the criterion, and you see the characteristics of the criterion:
Contact type: can the authorisation/criterion apply to INDIVIDUAL, STRUCTURE or BOTH
Data type: how are possible values organised (technical)
Mandatory: when available online, is it mandatory or optional for the customer to enter a value
Centralised: for a given contact, does the value of the criterion applies to the current organisation only (not centralised) or to all organisations (centralised) of your institution
Internet: Update (customer can update the value online), None (never visible online), Read only (value can be see online but not updated by the customer)
Visible: determines the technical categorisation of the criterion. In terms of display, "Contact criterion" appears in a different section than "Management financial"