Published — v. 1
Oxynade 1.14

Oxynade 1.14

1.14.0 (2021-03-31)


The whole reporting section will get an architectural and design revamp. Each report will receive a dedicated page with specific content. Each report page will have three sections:

  • Filters specific for the report
  • Visual dashboards specific for the report
  • Data table of the actual data + Export to csv functionality

In this release the planned dashboards are:

  • Access control metrics (people inside, total scan ins, total scan outs)
  • Customer metrics (age, country, gender, payment method)

We'll be adding more dashboards later based on user feedback.

City validation

We'll be adding an alternative version of city input in the customer form. In this case we'll be suggesting cities as they are in our database. This will result in a more uniform input of city names which makes reporting easier.

By default, this option is off. You can enable it using the flow property: webshop_registration_town_validation

However, our city database does not support all countries. If a certain country is not supported, it will revert automatically to the default free text input as long as that country is selected.

VAT/Tax settings

We'll be adding the option to input the VAT/Tax rate on your prices. All prices in the system will remain VAT/Tax included, but the VAT/Tax rate will be used in the reports for your convenience.

Small improvements

We've added a register input field for Gender. This is used in the dashboards "#Tickets per Gender" and "#Customers per Gender".

We moved the "Create new organizer" button in the "Team" section to the front for improved usability.

We added a ticket identification in the ticket list in the "Admin/Purchase" section to improve cancellation usability.

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