Following our simplification strategy, the product setup screens have been simplified and reorganized to ease the process of creating new products. A new advanced tab have been added in the general screen. You can find an example of this in the Solution section. This advanced tab regroups the highly specific or rarely used fields. We selected these fields by
In the vast majority of the cases, you will not need to worry about this advanced section and all your required fields will still be at the same place.
This will allow a smoother and simplier product creation process, and simplify the onboarding of new operators.
The affected products are the following:
- Dated passes (Visit pass, timeslot pass)
- Non dated passes (Open pass)
- Single entries (Event, Competition)
- Composed products (Season ticket, Package)
- Simple products (Service, Voucher, Donation, Membership, Open product, Hospitality)
- Merchandising (Goods product)
Sections have been added to group related fields together to increase the readability of the screens.
For example, the new event general tab in the general screen now only contains the most relevant fields such as the name, the alert ratio, the ticket model etc... The same is for the parameter tab that also now only contains important and highly used fields, with for example the description or the internet parameters.
In the navigation bar can be found the Advanced tab, where all the other fields have been grouped by sections: the regular parameters, the additional stakeholders, and the other parameters.
Please note that no field have been deleted. The fields are either still at the same place as before, or have been moved to the advanced tab.
At last, on the left side menu we grouped the less used screens inside an advanced section to ease this menu's reading.
Getting started
This change will be available for all operator and for all institutions. No action is required.