In order to benefit of a partner advantage, users should entry a partner code. In ticketshop there are several code en
Detailed guide
To make available a code entry box for your users on your institutional website, you should contact your webmaster or web agency and provide them the followinig information.
- Identify a plave on your site where users are likely to see a code entry field.
Add a form and method type GET. The URL to use is the same as for your access to box-office adding the sufixe "/api/1/redirect/partner-advantage".
In example, if your box-officce access is "", you have to name ""
Your code should looks like the following example:<form action="/api/1/redirect/partner-advantage" method="GET"> <input maxlength="20" type="text" name="code" id="code" placeholder="Code"/> <input type='submit' value='Valider'/> </form>
- You can freely add a title and/ or instruction. There, that´s it!
You should have something that looks like the image below.