Basic import
The basic import can be done by the user himself. It is using an interface in SAM.
Based on the e-mail address, these fields can be updated:
- First name, name
- Criteria
- Authorization
If more data needs to be updated, an extended import is necessary.
Detailed information about the basic import can be found here: How to do your
Extended import
The extended import gives the possibility to update many other fields and objects.
Following fields can be updated, based on the contact number:
- Individual information
- First name, last name, date of birth, preferred language, …
- Structure information
- Structure name, structure type, community type, administrative numbers, …
- Postal address
- Possibility to import Billing and shipping addresses separately.
- Communication means
- E-Mail address, phone numbers
- Criteria
- Authorizations
The details and more fields are found here: Contact import Format (Extended).