- Backoffice timezone is based on browser local timezone.
- Every date-time displayed on Backoffice is converted to local timezone if no specific timezone is mentioned.
The TIXnGO AdminTool is a Management console for every Organizer. It allows them to inject, monitor and edit Tickets, Events, Transactions, Spectators and Custom App Settings. It is accessible at https://console.TIXnGO.io, where Organizers can sign in with their account, or create a new one.
This documentation is here to help support teams get a hold of this console.
DOCUMENT Related to V3.73
- Production: https://backoffice.tixngo.io/
- Pre-production: https://backoffice-preprod.tixngo.io/
- Val: https://backoffice-val.tixngo.io/
0. Diverse
The profile page allows organiser to see the information liked with their account, such as company name, address and the api_key needed to do call the TIXnGO API.
This page is only accessible via the "ADMIN" account of the organizer and lets organizer manage their different accounts (ability to create/delete new accounts with specific role, see more in the Privilege section).
The Console display the Start Time (and all other time) in "Browser Time" so that the person using it sees it in the time zone they are in (offset is written in parentheses for StartTime).
The Mobile Application display the time as it was injected, which should be the local time of the Event (standard ticketing).
Lets say a Ticket is injected for an Event that starts the 2020-01-01 at 20:00 in Lausanne (UTC + 1) the time sent in the injection batch should be "2020-01-01T20:00:00+01". Imagine this event is organized by an English company based in London.
On the Mobile ticket in the app, one will see 2020-01-01 20:00 (as it is alway
On the Console the Support Team based in London (UTC) will see Start Time 2020-01-01 19:00 (their local browser time). The purpose of this is that the Support Team see correctly when the event (and other time) will start based on their local time, meaning they won't have to make time conversion every time they look at something.
The purpose of the Tickets page is to monitor every tickets that has been injected in the TIXnGO system in real-time. This view displays the Ticket ID, it's taxation number, barcode, current owner name / email, initial owner name / email and status, as well as the related event's name, start time and file ID and it can be exported to an excel sheet, using the excel button.
One can search for a specific ticket(s) using the search field at the top of the page (black rectangle in the screenshot example).
Clicking on a Ticket ID will redirect you to the Support → Ticket screen, showing much more information about one particular ticket (see Support section).
Clicking on the Event name will redirect you to the Event page for that specific Event.
Clicking on the Owner email will redirect you to the Support → Spectator screen, showing information about that specific spectator (see Support section).
The Action column is used to display information about the ticket such as Transfer rules, Main and Extra data (Ticket button) and allows Main and Extra data edition (Pencil button). Organizers can also delete ticket, deleted reason and deleted ticket visibility are required (Wastebasket button).
Clicking on Export Ticket Details to export ticket details data.
AdminTool statuses
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as it was injected in TIXnGO system.
Spectator: Does not have Ticket in his wallet yet, - DOWNLOADED
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as DOWNLOADED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet yet. - ACTIVATE
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as ACTIVATED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet and sees the QR code. - ONLINE ACTIVATE
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as ONLINE ACTIVATED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet and sees the QR code. - OFFLINE ACTIVATE
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as OFFLINE ACTIVATED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet and sees the QR code. - MANUAL ACTIVATE
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as MANUAL ACTIVATED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet and sees the QR code. - BLUETOOTH ACTIVATE
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as Bluetooth ACTIVATED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet and sees the QR code. - DEACTIVATED
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as DEACTIVATED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet and do not the QR code. - ASSIGNED
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as ASSIGNED.
Spectator: Sees Ticket in his wallet and sees the assigned n - PENDING
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as PENDING.
Spectator: Transferrer sees Ticket in his wallet in the transfer screen. Transferre still does not see the ticket in his wallet
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as PENDING_TRANSFER.
Spectator: Transferrer sees Ticket in his wallet in the transfer screen. Transferre still does not see the ticket in his wallet
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as PENDING_P2P_RESALE.
Spectator: Transferrer sees Ticket in his wallet in the resale screen. Transferre still does not see the ticket in his wallet.
- PENDING_2MKT_RESALE (not yet applied)
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as PENDING_2MKT_RESALE.
Spectator: # - FAILURE
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as FAILURE.
Spectator: Transferred can see ticket in his wallet. Transferred failed (either failed, rejected or cancelled) - FAILURE_TRANSFER
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as FAILURE_TRANSFER.
Spectator: Transferred can see ticket in his wallet. Transferred failed (either failed, rejected or cancelled)
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as FAILURE_P2P_RESALE.
Spectator: Transferred can see ticket in his wallet. Transferred failed (either failed, rejected or cancelled)
- FAILURE_2MKT_RESALE (not yet applied)
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as FAILURE_2MKT_RESALE.
Spectator: #
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as TRANSFERRED.
Spectator: Transferrer do not see ticket anymore (only transfer history). Transferre sees the ticket in his wallet.
Organizer : #
Spectator : Ticket received = injected + app download and ticket visible in the app for the spectator (to confirm with Team)
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as RESOLD_P2P_RESALE.
Spectator: Transferrer do not see ticket anymore (only resale history). Transferre sees the ticket in his wallet.
- RESOLD_2MKT_RESALE (not yet applied)
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as RESOLD_2MKT_RESALE.
Spectator: #
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as CONTROLLED.
Spectator: Not applicable. - DELETION PENDING
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as DELETION PENDING.
Spectator: Not applicable.
Organizer: Ticket can be seen in the AdminTool as DELETED.
Spectator: Spectator does not sees ticket anymore (or greyed-out if show deleted ticket selected).
The Tickets Injection page let
The injection can be done for a single ticket, which can be useful to create a few test tickets, or it can be done for multiple tickets at a time using a .CSV file.
For the complete list of injection variable, please take a look at the official documentation: https://developer.TIXnGO.io/pdf/TIXnGO-Injection-Doc.pdf
WARNING: All Dates must follow the RFC3339 standard for date & time.
Variable Name | Variable Type | Value length | Variable usage/description |
Gender | string | 1 char | M (male), F (female), U (unknown), X (other) |
First Name | string | 50 char | Spectator's first name |
Last Name | string | 100 char | Spectator's last name |
string | 256 char | Spectator's email address | |
Main Applicant | string | Boolean | Indicates if the spectator is the main applicant (SecuTix) for this ticket (default false). |
Ticket ID | string | 256 char | Ticket ID in the TIXnGO system (a-z|A-Z / numbers / spaces / some special characters: *.-_+/()) |
Barcode | string | 512 char | Plain text ticket barcode |
Sorting Key | string | 256 char | Key used to order the tickets for the spectator following the alphabetical order. |
Price | number | float | Price of the ticket |
Currency | string | 20 char | Currency of the ticket's price |
Category | string | 512 char | Purchase category (e.g. ADULT, CHILD, VIP, etc...) |
Tax. Number | string | 256 char | Purchase taxation number |
Ticket Image URL | string | 256 char | Display image as per URL on following ticket views: Ticket View, Ticket Detailed View |
File ID | string | 256 char | SecuTix File ID (or any file ID that would list groups of ticket, e.g. injection file) |
Event ID | string | 256 char | Event ID in the TIXnGO system |
Event Name | string | 128 char | Name of the match |
Site | string | 200 char | Site name displayed at the Ticket View and Ticket Detailed View under Address title |
City | city | 200 char | City where the event takes place |
Country Code | string | 200 char | country code for the address |
Zip | string | 200 char | zip code for the address |
Event Image URL | string | 256 char | Display image as per URL on following ticket views: My Tickets - "Group Image" |
Start Time | string | must follow RFC 3339 date format | Displays Match date and kick-off time at the Ticket View and Ticket Detailed View |
Ribbon Display Time | string | must follow RFC 3339 date format | Time at which a ribbon is displayed on the mobile app to notify spectator turn on Bluetooth |
Transfer Group Id | string | 256 char | Transfer rules can technically be different for every ticket. Organizer might want to chose to have different transfer rules for different types of ticket (ex: Adult, child, VIP, etc…). This GroupID is the Transfer rules group ID representing a group of transfer rules applied to certain tickets. If Organizers want to apply the same rules to every tickets, by default this groupID is set to the EventID and every ticket will be in this group. |
Max number of Ticket per receiver's Phone | integer | integer | Maximum amount of tickets per phone for this Transfer rules group id |
Max Resell Price increase (in %) | integer | smallint | Maximum profit (price increase in %) of the original ticket price for a resell between spectator. |
Max number transfer per Phone | integer | integer | Total amount of transfers per Phone (-1 feature is disabled). Counter is increased for every new transfer, but decrease on a Return. |
Max number transfer per Ticket | integer | integer | Total amount of transfers per Ticket (-1 feature is disabled). Counter is increased for every new transfer, but decrease on a Return. |
Assign Limit | integer | integer | Upper bound amount of transfer before the Assign function is disable (-1 means unlimited) |
Allow Transfer | Boolean | Boolean | Enables or Disables transfer functionality for given match (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) |
Allow Transfer after Activation | Boolean | Boolean | Enables or Disables transfer functionality for given match for Activated Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) |
Allow Transfer after Control | Boolean | Boolean | Enables or Disables transfer functionality for given match for Controlled Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) |
Allow Return To Organizer | Boolean | Boolean | Enables or Disable allow everyone to release ticket to resale. |
Allow Return To Organizer For Initial Spectator | Boolean | Boolean | Enables or Disable only Initial Spectator can release ticket to resale. |
Resale Group Id | string | 256 char | Resale rules can technically be different for every ticket. Organizer might want to chose to have different resale rules for different types of ticket (ex: Adult, child, VIP, etc…). This GroupID is the Resale rules group ID representing a group of resale rules applied to certain tickets. If Organizers want to apply the same rules to every tickets, by default this groupID is set to the EventID and every ticket will be in this group. It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Allow Resell | Boolean | Boolean | Enables or Disables resale functionality for given match for all Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Allow Resell after Activation | Boolean | Boolean | Enables or Disables resale functionality for given match for ActivatedTickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Keep one Ticket Overall | Boolean | Boolean | Force ALL ticket wallet holders to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match |
Keep one Ticket at Injection | Boolean | Boolean | Force ticket wallet holder to whom tickets were originally injected to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match. E.g. all his transfer guests w |
string | 100 char | Support organizer define the resale price with three options A, B and C per Transfer Group Id:
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled | |
Min resale price decrease | number | float | Enable when Resale option A is selected. Min resale price decrease (in % of the initial price) of the ticket to be resold It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Min resale price amount | number | float | Enable when Resale option A is selected. Min resale price amount of the ticket to be resold It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Max resale price increase | number | float | Enable when Resale option A is selected. Max resale price Increase (in % of the initial price) of the ticket to be resold It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Max resale price amount | number | float | Enable when Resale option A is selected. Max resale price amount of the ticket to be resold |
Specific resale price decrease/increase | number | float | Enable when Resale option B is selected. Specific resale price decrease/increase (in % of the initial price) of the ticket to be resold
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Specific resale price amount | number | float | Enable when Resale option B is selected. Specific resale price amount of the ticket to be resold
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
The Resale & Purchase Agreement URL | string | 512 char | The Resale & Purchase Agreement URL in P2P resale It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Ticket Terms & Conditions URL | string | 512 char | Ticket Terms & Conditions URL in P2P resale It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled |
Activation Id | string | 50 char | Activation group ID. Different tickets could have different activation method, this group ID make the distinction between them. |
Activation Time | string | Date Time RFC3339 standard | Activation time at which the system will activate the ticket (display barcode) |
Activation Method | string | "online"/"offline" | The method using to activate the ticket. online : when activationTime is reached (backend clock), the backend activates the tickets and sends push notifications to trigger a GET /spectator/tickets on the app. offline: the mobile application activates the tickets when time is reaches (mobile clock). Online requires the user to be online, Offline does not. More on Ticket activation: 5-Understanding TIXnGO Activation flow |
Purchase Date | string | Date Time RFC3339 standard | Date & time at which the ticket was bought |
Main Ticket Details | string | key (32 char) - value (4096 char) | Ticket details shown on the ticket's front (usually used to set entrance & seat details) |
Extra Ticket Details | string | key (32 char) - value (4096 char) | Ticket extra details shown on the back of the ticket (usually used to set extra information about the ticket or the event) |
Hidden Ticket Details | string | key (32 char) - value (4096 char) | Ticket hidden details (not displayed), used for different technical or business purposes, i.e. reserved key such as Seat Map, Sponsors details, etc... |
Hold (only CSV injection for now) | Boolean | Boolean | Activate ticket holder (ticket is hold for someone else) |
Holder email (only CSV injection for now) | string | 256 char | Ticket holder email |
Holder date of birth (only CSV injection for now) | string | rfc3339 standard | Ticket holder date of birth |
Holder first name (only CSV injection for now) | string | 50 char | Ticket holder first name |
Holder last name (only CSV injection for now) | string | 100 char | Ticket holder last name |
Holder gender (only CSV injection for now) | string | 1 char | Ticket holder gender (M, F or U) |
Holder card number | string | 200 char | Ticket holder ID card number |
Holder nationality | string | 2 char | Ticket holder nationality |
Holder passport number | string | 200 char | Ticket holder passport number |
mobileAppId | string | 256 char | Optional Mobile Application App Id to use associated invitation email template (used by organizer using their own app or branded apps). |
lang | string | 5 char ISO 639‑1 format | The default language for the Ticket. Injection communications will be sent in this language. Example: fr, en, de, it, es |
Design Id | string | 256 char | This Design Id representing a design applied to certain tickets in an Event |
Background Color | string | 7 char hexadecimal color | The background color of the Ticket and the corresponding Design Id (If the Design Id is set). Example: #bbccdd |
1.3.1 CSV File Injection
The CSV file injection tab allows the organizer to inject up to 20'000 tickets at a time.
This page list the jobs that were sent by the organizer and its status for all of them. The uploaded CSV is downloadable as well as the output, explaining which ticket where injected and which were refused (with the error associated with it).
Failed jobs are also downloadable and the error provided on each format error that would be in the injection CSV.
Two templates are available, a minimal required fields template and a complete templates with all possible ticket fields to help with the CSV setup.
The CSV file must be UTF-8 encoded.
A full documentation is available here: https://developer.TIXnGO.io/pdf/TIXnGO-Injection-Doc.pdf
1.4. Tickets Bulk Update
The Bulk update page allows the organizer to update ticket details by CSV batch (Max 50 rows per batch).
The CSV template can be get by clicking CSV template button or Export Ticket Details butto
Variable details
Variable Name | Variable Type | Value length | Variable usage/description |
ticketId | string | 256 char | ID of the ticket to update |
ticketDetails.main | list | list of key value metadata in JSON format | Ticket details shown on the ticket's front (usually used to set entrance & seat details) |
ticketDetails.extra | list | list of key value metadata in JSON format | Ticket extra details shown on the back of the ticket (usually used to set extra information about the ticket or the event) |
ticketDetails.hidden | list | list of key value metadata in JSON format | Ticket hidden details (not displayed), used for different technical or business purposes, i.e. reserved key such as Seat Map, Sponsors details, etc... |
The update result will be available in the OUTPUT column once the input file is submitted successfully.
- The CSV delimiter must be ";".
- The Data format must be the same as the template gets from CSV template or Export Ticket Details.
- The maximum number of rows is 50.
- The output file will not be saved in the system
2. Support Screens
The Support - Ticket page lets the organizer or support team look for in depth information about one specific ticket. It's easily reachable from the Tickets page by clicking on the ID of a particular ticket, or by searching for an ID or barcode in the Support - Ticket screen directly (Warning: As the page display information about only one ticket, the search result must be unique, if one only knows part of the information of a ticket, searching through the Tickets page then selecting the ticket might be the better way).
The information displayed on this screen is same as those in ticket page and more, includes:
- The ticket's Current Owner details, the Initial Spectator details as well as the ticket's Holder details (also called Guest), if there is one.
- Current Owner: The Spectator currently owning the ticket, the ticket is inside his wallet (main applicant flag displayed).
- Initial Spectator: The Spectator that was the first ever "Current Owner" of the ticket, the one the ticket was injected to by the Organizer. This will never change through the life of the ticket.
- Ticket Holder: The person assigned to a ticket that is held by the "Current Owner". The name of the Ticket Holder will appear on the ticket. - This screen also contains the Ticket Details (Main, Extra & Hidden) usually used for Seating detail and specifics to be display on the ticket.
- The ticket's Status History (all ticket status logs): injected, downloaded, activa
- The ticket's Transfer rules (editable).
- File Id: It's SecuTix number called "File ID" (ticket order number)
- The number "Total in File" = Total number of ticket with the same File ID (which is the ID of a SecuTix injection file)
- The number "Total Transferred in File" = the total number of ticket transferred with the same File Id. Here is the original JIRA: Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
The Support - Spectator page lets the organizer or support team look for information about one specific spectator. It's accessible by clicking on a spectator's email address from any other page in the Console, or by searching for an email address, ticket ID, barcode or name (Warning: As the page display information about only one spectator, the search result must be unique, if one only knows part of the information, searching through the Tickets/Spectator page then selecting the email address might be the better way).
The information displayd on this screen includes:
- Spectator's detail, including
- The spectator's Tickets list: all tickets currently owned by the spectator ('Downloaded' → appear inside Owner's wallet) + the ones that were deleted ('Downloaded' + 'Deleted' → do not appear inside Owner's wallet). This list contains the Event name, the Ticket ID, the Ticket's taxation number, its barcode, status, as well as the start time of the Event, the activation time of the Ticket (if there is one), the email address of the purchaser (= Initial Spectator) and the date and time the Ticket was injected. This list is filterable in two ways: All tickets currently in the spectator's wallet OR All tickets that have been at anytime in the spectator's wallet.
- The spectator's Mobile logs.
- The spectator's Communication logs with the ability to resend a specific communication. The content of the communication can be read with a click on the reason title.
The Events page allows organizer to have control over their different events. Specific events can be search by Event ID or Name.
The Events are ordered by Start Time (filters by startTime/endTime can be applied).
This page first displays the Preparation, Steward and Gate beacon information, so organizers can have a quick access to those keys.
The button "Export Event" (under title "Event List") allows Organizer to export all event details
The Events list shows every Event created by the organizer with their Ticket's status count (this gives the overview of the event with the total number of injected tickets, the total number of downloaded tickets, the number of tickets still pending (Pending after transferring), the total number of controlled tickets (Tickets that have been scanned by the staff). The action column lets the organizer:
Update the event's information
Variable Name Variable Type Value length Variable usage/description Event Name string 128 char Name of the match Website URL string 128 char If specified then clickable URL displayed at the Ticket Detailed View Event Group Image URL string 256 char Display image as per URL on following ticket views: My Tickets - "Group Image" string 128 char Display name on following view: My Tickets - Event Group Name Ribbon Display Time string must follow RFC 3339 date format Time at which a ribbon is displayed on the mobile app to notify spectator to turn on Bluetooth. This Ribbon Display Time is not converted in local browser time as we must set here the Time Zone Start Time string must follow RFC 3339 date format Displays Match date and kick-off time at the Ticket View and Ticket Detailed View. This Start Time is not converted in local browser time as we must set here the Time Zone Expiration date string must follow RFC 3339 date format Not displayed, this is the Time at which the Event Expires. This Expiration Time is not converted in local browser time as we must set here the Time Zone Time Zone offset must follow RFC 3339 date format Time Zone offset for Start Time, Expiration Time & Activation Time of the Event Site string 200 char Site name displayed at the Ticket View and Ticket Detailed View under Address title City city 200 char City where the event takes place Line 1 string 200 char line 1 of the address Line 2 string 200 char line 2 of the address Line 3 string 200 char line 3 of the address Country Code string 200 char country code for the address Region string 200 char region of the event Zip string 200 char zip code for the address Longitude number float longitude of the event's location Latitude number float latitude of the event's location Mobile App Id string 256 char Used as a key to display tickets only for the particular Event Ticket Image URL string 256 char Display image as per URL on following ticket views: Ticket View, Ticket Detailed View Remove Ticket Image URL Boolean Boolean Enable the deletion of all tickets image URLs in that event. Transfer Group Id string 256 char Transfer rules can technically be different for every ticket. Organizer might want to chose to have different transfer rules for different types of ticket (ex: Adult, child, VIP, etc…). This GroupID is the Transfer rules group ID representing a group of transfer rules applied to certain tickets. If Organizers want to apply the same rules to every tickets, by default this groupID is set to the EventID and every ticket will be in this group. Max number of Ticket per receiver's Phone integer integer Maximum amount of tickets per phone for this Transfer rules group id Max Resell Price increase (in %) integer smallint Maximum profit (price increase in %) of the original ticket price for a resell between spectator.
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Max number transfer per Phone integer integer Total amount of transfers per Phone (-1 feature is disabled). Counter is increased for every new transfer, but decrease on a Return. Max number transfer per Ticket integer integer Total amount of transfers per Ticket (-1 feature is disabled). Counter is increased for every new transfer, but decrease on a Return. Assign Limit integer integer Upper bound amount of transfer before the Assign function is disable (-1 means unlimited) Allow Transfer Boolean Boolean Enables or Disables transfer functionality for given match (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) Allow Transfer after Activation Boolean Boolean Enables or Disables transfer functionality for given match for Activated Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) Allow Transfer after Control Boolean Boolean Enables or Disables transfer functionality for given match for Controlled Tickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed) Allow Return To Organizer Boolean Boolean Enables or Disable allow everyone to release ticket to resale. (More Details) Allow Return To Organizer For Initial Spectator Boolean Boolean Enables or Disable only Initial Spectator can release ticket to resale. Resale Group Id string 256 char Resale rules can technically be different for every ticket. Organizer might want to chose to have different resale rules for different types of ticket (ex: Adult, child, VIP, etc…). This GroupID is the Resale rules group ID representing a group of resale rules applied to certain tickets. If Organizers want to apply the same rules to every tickets, by default this groupID is set to the EventID and every ticket will be in this group.
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Allow Resell Boolean Boolean Enables or Disables resale functionality for given match for all
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Allow Resell after Activation Boolean Boolean Enables or Disables resale functionality for given match for ActivatedTickets (Send menu item in the ticket view hidden or displayed)
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Keep one Ticket Overall Boolean Boolean Force ALL ticket wallet holders to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match Keep one Ticket at Injection Boolean Boolean Force ticket wallet holder to whom tickets were originally injected to keep at least 1 ticket per given Match. E.g. all his transfer guests will be able to forward all the tickets they received The Resale & Purchase Agreement URL string 512 char The Resale & Purchase Agreement URL in P2P resale
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Ticket Terms & Conditions URL string 512 char Ticket Terms & Conditions URL in P2P resale Resale Options string 100 char Support organizer define the resale price with three options A, B and C per Transfer Group Id:
- "Option A: Price range" [the resale p
- "Option B: Fixed price" [the resale price of this ticket is set by the event organizer]
- "Option C: Unlimited price" [the resale price of this ticket is allowed by the event organizer to be resold at any price]
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Min resale price decrease number float Enable when Resale option A is selected. Min resale price decrease (in % of the initial price) of the ticket to be resold
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Max resale price increase number float Enable when Resale option A is selected. Max resale price Increase (in % of the initial price) of the ticket to be resold
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Specific resale price decrease/increase number float Enable when Resale option B is selected. Specific resale price decrease/increase (in % of the initial price) of the ticket to be resold:
- Value > 0: Increase
- Value < 0: Decrease
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Activation Id string 50 char Activation group ID. Different tickets could have different activation method, this group ID make the distinction between them. Activation Time string must follow RFC 3339 date format Timestamp at which the tickets in the activation ID will be activated (following the given Activation Method). This Start Time is not converted in local browser time as we must set here the Time Zone Activation Method string online/offline Define ticket activation method for this activation ID, can be online or offline. (Used only if a timestamp is given in Activation Time Barcode Size string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Used to adjust QR code size in mm. Reflects both width and height. The value must between 10 and 32 (10 <= barcode size <= 32). Barcode Position string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Used to adjust QR code position in case if Q Event Number number 0 <= number <= 99 Display Event Number on mobile ticket if required Enable Covid Check Boolean Boolean Enables or Disable COVID check functionality for given event TicketShop Resale URL string key = 128 char; value = 128 char The URL of TicketShop resale
Prohibited Items Image URL string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Display Prohibited items image from this URL Prohibited Items Link string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Makes Prohibited Items Image clickable when redirecting to this link (must provide Image URL) Sponsors Image URL string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Display Sponsor image from this URL Sponsors Link string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Makes Sponsors Image clickable redirecting to this link (must provide Image URL)
Seat Map Image URL string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Display Seat Map image from this URL Seat Map Link string key = 128 char; value = 128 char Make Seat Map Image clickable redirecting to this link (must provide Image URL) Design Id string 256 char This Design Id representing a design applied to certain tickets in an Event Background Color string 7 char hexadecimal color The background color of the corresponding Design Id (Example: #bbccdd). If the background color is updated, all the tickets with the corresponding Design Id will be affected
Ticket Resale Fixed Fee number float For organizer could set amount fee for ticket of P2P resale
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Ticket Resale Percent Fee number float For organizer could set fee percent for ticket (calculating on resale price) of P2P resale
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
Fee Currency string 3 char For organizer could set currency of fee for ticket of P2P resale
It is editable or used only if organizer resale setting is enabled
- See the security information (manual activation pin & Bluetooth instance ID for all activation groups)
- Create/Delete/Edit Questionnaires that can be send to every spectator attending the event.
3.2. Ticket Holder Questionnaire
The Ticket Holder Questionnaire popup allow organizer to ask questions related to operation or marketing to all ticket holders.
The organizer can decide to target or not the ticket wallet owners, who “opt-in” to marketing communication during the account creation, or through the in-app menu, for optional questions.
All their answers are collected, associated with their respective information and exported to XLS file by clicking Extract answers button.
Settings variables:
Variable Name | Variable Type | Value length | Variable usage/description |
Language | string | must follow ISO 639-1 two letter codes | Language is used for the text of pop-up, text replacing QR Code and the questions |
Popup text | string | 100'000 char | Popup text notify user to answer the questions |
Start time | integer | integer | Popup will be started displaying from X hours BEFORE/AFTER the event Start Time |
End time | integer | integer | Popup will be stopped displaying from X hours BEFORE/AFTER the event Start Time |
Frequency | integer | integer | Popup will be displayed with the frequency of X minutes till all mandatory questions are answered |
Enable mandatory answer | Boolean | Boolean | Enable/Disable rule all mandatory questions have to be answered to display QR Code |
Mandatory answer message | string | 100'000 char | The text replace QR Code if all mandatory questions are not answered |
Enable expected answer | Boolean | Boolean | Enable/Disable rule all mandatory questions have to be answered with Expected answers to display QR Code |
Expected answer message | string | 100'000 char | The text replace QR Code if all mandatory ques |
- Click "+" button (next to the language dropdown) to add a new question.
- Click "-" button to delete a question on respective row.
- Each question can be set as optional or mandatory. Some answers could be Expected as the single mandatory answer.
- Question can be edited as bold/italic/underline characters and hyperlink by selecting text to edit and click button in the tooltip (B, I, U, Link icon)
Type of answers:
- RADIO_BUTTON: box to choose between YES/NO.
- MULTIPLE_CHOICE: box to choose between A/B/C/... (with fields which could be added by clicking "+" button next to question content).
- FREE_TEXT: text answer.
The Spectator screen lets organizers see the list of Spectator owning tickets for one of their events. Spectator can be searched by email, first and last name, phone number, passport number, Id card number and SecuTix File ID.
This page displays a few information about spectators, such as their email, name, gender, account creation date and promo/tracking option.
Clicking on a spectator's email address will redirect to the Support→Spectator screen, showing more information about this specific spectator.
Actions column in the Spectator table allows organizer to log out a spectator from all his devices (kills all active sessions) in case the spectator needs to log in in a new device but could not log off others.
The Communications page allows organizers to view all communication logged in the TIXnGO system. Comm. logs can be search using the email address or phone number of the spectator, the type (email or push) the status (delivered or failed) and the transmission date.
This page displays the spectator's email (recipient of the communication), the reason of this communication, the transmission date, as well as the type and status of this communication.
Clicking on the reason title will show the communication content.
This page also contains a Resend button that lets Organizers resend all filtered communications. This action will trigger a prompt, asking the user to confirm before sending X notifications. This had to be used carefully has one can easily spam someone or even get blacklisted by Amazon Web Services.
The Notification Campaigns tab allows organizers to view all the notification campaigns they schedules, cancelled and sent. The campaigns can be searched by name, content language and the table displays the campaign ID, name, created date, scheduled date, status (scheduled, canceled or sent), the number of impacted spectators, successfully sent and failed notifications (all those numbers are updated after the campaign is sent as they come from reporting).
Clicking on the Campaign Name will open a popup box displaying the campaign's contents in all languages.
From this table one can update or cancel a scheduled campaign and rescheduled a cancelled campaign.
A download button will appear once the campaign has been triggered, allowing the user to download a report containing the spectator's email address and the status of the notification sent to him.
New campaign can also be created from the Schedule Campaign button.
In order to Schedule a new campaign one must select the Mobile App Id to which the campaign is going to be sent, provide a Name and setup a Date at which the campaign will be sent (time zone is
Filters work in this way: Mobile App Id defines which app is affected with the campaign. Event filters on the list of spectator that have tickets for that event, if none is selected, then campaigns targets all spectator having the Mobile App. On can also upload a CSV file of emails (e.g. input every emails in an Excel sheet under one column and export it to CSV), those email are used as a second filter, e.g. All users having ticket for the Event and are in the provided email list.
The system only checks if the spectator has the NotificationTokenID connected with AppID to send the notification. Therefore, the user who hasn't downloaded or registered an account won't be able to receive any notifications.
A default language must be selected from the dropdown list of supported languages. Notification title and content can be setup for all supported languages, if let blank the template is not used in the campaign. (e.g. if one supports EN and FR but only want to schedule this campaign in English, leave the French line blank).
While editing a campaign, if the text "CSV already uploaded" and the button "Download here" is visible, that means the CSV file the user previously input is still present and will be used as filter unless he uploads a new one.
The Transactions page allows organizers to view all ticket's transactions logged in the TIXnGO system. Transactions can be search using their transaction hash, their date, type or status.
This page displays information about the transaction such the date, the ticket ID, the sender and receiver if it exists, the transaction type, status and hash, as well as the reason if it exists (only for transfers).
Clicking on the ticket ID will redirect to the Support→Ticket screen for this ticket.
Clicking on the sender or recipient email will redirect to the Support→Spectator screen for this spectator.
The Pendings page allows organizers to view all "Pendings Tickets" (tickets where the transfer was initiated but the recipient did not yet sing-in to the app and loaded the tickets). Pendings can be search using the ticket ID, the date or the recipient registration source (account was created in TIXnGO system and user has the Mobile application or not yet: "Mobile App" or "External").
This page displays information about the Pendings Tickets, such as the ID, the taxation number, the event ID and name, the sender and recipient emails, the registration source and the date and time of the initiation of transfer.
Clicking on the Ticket ID will redirect to the Support→Ticket screen.
Clicking on the event ID or name will redirect to the Event screen.
Clicking on the sender or recipient will redirect to the Support→Spectator screen.
The Mobile Logs page lets the organizer see all logs from the mobile app (for the tickets injected on their mobile app). The logs can be searched by spectator's email, message content, app name (e.g. io.TIXnGO.app is the generic TIXnGO app), log level (i = info, e = error, w = warn), by platform (operating system), or by date.
The information displayed on this page contains the following: Log level, Spectator's email, action that was logged (e.g. authentication, ticket activation, etc...), the content of the logged message, the app name and version, the spectator's devise model, the platform (OS) and the date and time. All this information is mostly useful for debugging purposes.
Clicking on the spectator's email will redirect to Support→Spectator screen.
The Settings page allows the organizer to handle different app settings, app features, organizer settings, as well as translation option such as email and push notifications in different languages.
9.1.1 Application Settings
Variable Name | Variable Description | Backend Key |
Burger Menu: Item 1 Visibility | Values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE; control whether the link to external website is shown in the menu. Order of the link in the burger menu is fixed. | promo.external.menu.displayed |
Burger Menu: Item 2 Visibility | Values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE; control whether the link to another app is shown in the menu. Order of the link in the burger menu is fixed. | promo.otherapp.menu.displayed |
Event List: Promo 1 Position | Values: INACTIVE, TOP, AFTER_FIRST, BOTTOM; controls where the External Portal/Website link box is shown in the event list view of the app. | promo.external.event.position |
Event List: Promo 2 Position | Values: INACTIVE, TOP, AFTER_FIRST, BOTTOM; controls where the other app link box is shown in the event list view of the app. | promo.otherapp.event.position |
Event List: Promo 1 Image URL | Link of the image that will be displayed in the box related to the external website | promo.external.image |
Event List: Promo 2 Image URL | Link of the image that will be displayed in the box related to the otherapp | promo.otherapp.image |
Relative position between Events List Promo 1 and Promo 2 | Values: OTHERAPP_FIRST, WEBSITE_FIRST; controls the order when both are put in the same location | promo.external.other.prioritized.position |
Ticket detail key that displayed on activation screen | Values: ticket details main or extra key which define by organizer (eg. Gate, Block, Row, Seat,...) which is used to display on activation screen | design.activation.ticket-details-key |
Number of minutes before sending a non-transferred reminder in the app | Values: Integer > 0 , | ticket.non-transferred.reminder |
Number of minutes before sending a non-assigned reminder in the app | Values: Integer > 0 Pop-up message in app for assigning ticket reminder (FIFA). Value indicates the interval between 2 pop-ups. | ticket.non-assigned.reminder |
Ticket Owner Transfer Alert Ke | Values: List of ticket details main or extra key which define by organizer (eg. Gate, Block, Row, Seat,...) which is used to notify ticket owner transfer tickets (Dependent with ticket.owner.transfer.alerts feature and ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour ) | ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys |
Enable max amount of active devices security | Values: FALSE, TRUE; disable or enable the max active phones security. | security.session.use-max-active-phone |
Max number of active devices at once (only if security is enabled) | Values: Integer >0 (For login restriction security purpose) | security.session.max-active-phone |
Only one active wallet session is allowed | Values: FALSE, TRUE; disable or enable the allowing only one session. (For login restriction security purpose) There are no differences between “Only one active wallet session is allowed” and “Max number of active devices at once (only if security is enabled)” = 1. | security.session.only-allow-one |
Disable online/offline check if device reached max active sessions | Values: FALSE, TRUE; disable or enable the online check if device readed max active sesssions. (For login restriction security purpose) | security.session.disable-online-check |
Minimal supported version of mobile application | Values: (with X, Y, Z are Integers and X is required) Oldest version of the app that requires user to install. Using for force update purpose: the organizer can decide to request to have a minimal version of the TIXnGO wallet to be used. So the app will show you a informative screen to ask you to update the app (cannot do anything else in the app). | mobile.version.minimal |
Latest version of mobile application | Values: (with X, Y, Z are Integers and X is required) Latest version of the app that requires user to install. (Should always same or later than minimal one) There are no features implemented yet related to this one. An example of a potential feature, you might be interested and asked us to develop, would be a new feature to display a pop-up in the app informing a new version is available | mobile.version.latest |
Number of hours before event start time sending different-gates/blocks first message in the app | Values: Integer > 0 Pop-up message in app for transferring ticket reminder. (Dependent with ticket.owner.transfer.alerts and ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys ) In case you have tickets for different block/gates. Th
| ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour |
Number of minutes before sending different-gates/blocks reminder in the app | Values: Integer > 0 Pop-up message in app for different-gates/blocks reminder , value indicates the interval between 2 pop-ups. Number of minutes before sending different-gates/blocks reminder in the app
| ticket.owner.transfer.alert.interval |
Amount of days after which the unregistered personal information got anonymized (Set 0 to disable) | Values: Integer > 0 Unregistered emails will be anonymized after this amount of day since the ticket's event expired. | personal.information.anonymize.delay |
9.1.2 Application Features
Variable Name | Variable Description | Backend Key |
Assign Holder Feature | Enable / Disable assign-holder feature, allowing spectator to assign a ticket to a Holder | assign-holder |
Bluetooth Feature | Enable / Disable Bluetooth feature, allowing preparation beacon behavior (Only allow ribbon (what is ribbon? How to see colored information ribbons) and reminder "activate Bluetooth" to be showed, Bluetooth Scanner always enable to scan tickets even this feature is enable or not, even on match day or not) | use-bluetooth |
Display Ticket Owner Feature | Enable / Disable display-owner feature, allowing Owner name to be displayed on the ticket | design.display-owner |
Assign Reason Feature | Enable / Disable assign-reason feature, allowing spectator to give a reason when assigning a ticket to a Holder | use-assign-reason |
Transfer Reason Feature | Enable / Disable trasnfer-reason feature, forcing spectator to give a reason when transferring a ticket | transfer-reason |
Mandatory Assign Reason | Enable / Disable | mandatory-assign-reason |
Select language when transferring ticket | Enable / Disable transfer-language feature, allowing spectator to select language of email template when transferring ticket | transfer-language |
Deleted Tickets Visibility | Enable / Disable deleted-tickets-visibility feature, displaying deleted tickets on mobile application | deleted-tickets-visibility |
Wristband Activation Feature | Enable / Disable wristband-activation feature, allowing organizer to activate tickets have wristband option (e.g. hospitability room) | wristband-activation |
Transfer alert for ticket owner has multiple tickets in different locations | Enable / Disable ticket.owner.transfer.alerts feature, allowing organizer to notify for ticket owner has multiple tickets in different locations to transfer tickets. (Dependent with ticket.owner.transfer.alerts-keys and ticket.owner.transfer.alert.hour) | ticket.owner.transfer.alerts |
9.1.3 Organizer Settings
Variable Name | Variable Description | Backend Key |
Max number of reminder emails that can be sent | Values: Integer [0, 5] (maximum of 5 reminders per person Type: email | email.reminder.limit.max-number |
Minimum interval between two reminder in hours | Values: Integer >= 12 (limits to a maximum of 1 email every 12h, hence 2 per day max) Type: email | email.remidner.limit.min-interval |
Time of the day to send the first reminder | Values: Integer [0, 23] representing hours of the day Type: email | email.reminder.limit.time-first |
Number of days before the Event, to start sending reminders | Values: Integer >= 0 Type: email | email.reminder.limit.days-first |
Amount of time (hour) after which the pending transfers will be canceled (Set 0 to not auto-cancel pending transfers) | Values: Integer >= 0 Value indicates the number of hours before auto-cancel is triggered (Value = 0 : no auto-cancel) | ticket.approval.cancel.delay |
Consolidate tickets purchased in one single email - timeframe (X hour) |
| email.ticket.invitation.nextreceiveperiodtime |
Amount of days after which the unregistered personal information got anonymized (Set 0 to disable) |
| personal.information.anonymize.delay |
9.1.3 Multilingual Settings
Variable Name | Variable Description | Backend Key |
Burger Menu: Item 1 Title | Title of the menu item for the external website | promo.external.menu.title |
Burger Menu: Item 1 Description | Sub-text of the menu item for the external website | promo.external.menu.description |
Event List: Promo 1 Title | Title of the box in the event list for the external website | promo.external.event.title |
Event List: Promo 1 Description | Sub-text of the event list for the external website | promo.external.event.description |
Event List: Promo 1 URL | Multilingual link to an external website | promo.external.link |
Burger Menu: Item 2 Title | Title of the menu item for the other app | promo.otherapp.menu.title |
Burger Menu: Item 2 Description | Sub-text of the menu item for the other app | promo.otherapp.menu.description |
Event List: Promo 2 Title | Title of the box in the event list for the other app | promo.otherapp.event.title |
Event List: Promo 2 Description | Sub-text of the event list for the other app | promo.otherapp.event.d |
Event List: Promo 2 URL | Multilingual link to an other app | promo.otherapp.link |
App download link in Emails | Multilingual link to branded app | app.dl.link |
App name in Emails | Multilingual app name | app.name |
Push Notifications at ticket injection: content | Content of the push notification recieved at injection | notification.inject.content |
Push Notifications at ticket injection: title | Title of the push notification recieved at injection | notification.inject.title |
Push Notifications transfer recipient: content | Content of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer | notification.received.content |
Push Notifications transfer recipient: title | Title of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer | notification.received.title |
Push Notifications transfer sender: content | Content of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer | notification.sent.content |
Push Notifications transfer sender: title | Title of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer | notification.sent.title |
Push Notifications at ticket deletion: content | Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted | notification.deleted.content |
Push Notificationsat ticket deletion: title | Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted | notification.deleted.title |
Push Notifications at ticket activation: content | Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated | notification.activated.content |
Push Notificationsat ticket activation: title | Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated | notification.activated.title |
Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: content | Content of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender | notification.cancel.content |
Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: title | Title of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender | notification.cancel.title |
Push Notifications at transfer accept title | Title of the push | notification.acknowledge.accepted.title |
Push Notifications at transfer accept content | Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver | notification.acknowledge.accepted.content |
Push Notifications at transfer reject title | Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver | notification.acknowledge.rejected.title |
Push Notifications at transfer reject content | Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver | notification.acknowledge.rejected.content |
Push Notification at session logout title | Title of the push notification received by a user at session logout | notification.logout.title |
Push Notification at session logout content | Content of the push notification received by a user at session logout | notification.logout.content |
Push Notifications at ticket update: content | Content of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer | notification.update.ticket.content |
Push Notifications at ticket update: title | Title of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer | notification.update.ticket.title |
Email subject at ticket injection | Email subject received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected | email.invitation.inject.subject |
Email body at ticket injection | Email body received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected | email.invitation.inject.body |
Email subject at ticket transfer to unknown account | Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXnGO system | email.invitation.approval.subject |
Email body at ticket transfer to unknown account | Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXnGO system | email.invitation.approval.body |
Email subject at ticket transfer to known account | Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXnGO system | email.information.approval.subject |
Email body at ticket transfer to known account | Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXnGO system | email.information.approval.body |
Email subject at ticket transfer cancellation | Email subject received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled | email.information.cancel.subject |
Email body at ticket transfer cancellation | Email body received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled | email.information.cancel.body |
Email subject for reminders | Email subject received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet) | email.reminder.subject |
Email body for reminders | Email body received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet) | email.reminder.body |
Email subject at ticket deletion | Email subject received by spectator when a ticket is deleted | email.delete.subject |
Email body at ticket deletion | Email body received by spectator when a ticket is deleted | email.delete.body |
Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully | Email subject received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceled | email.information.automaticallycancel.subject |
Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully | Email body received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceled | email.information.automaticallycancel.body |
The Charts page is a new feature in the TIXnGO system (currently still under development), that shows organizer a graphical representation of the life cycle of their tickets, per event. This feature makes use of our Machine Learning algorithm to give trust scores to each user and detect fraudulent behavior.
What is the Spectators Behavior Analysis?
TIXnGO works everyday to improve security and reduce fraud in your events. The spectator behavior analysis is a Machine Learning tool developed by TIXnGO that classifies the actions of spectators during an event. Its purpose is to provide organizers with a deeper understanding of tickets life within their events and to help detecting users that might need monitoring.
How does it work?
This tool uses an ensemble of Machine Learning models and classifies regularly each spectator's behavior based on his transfers activity in every event where tickets have been injected. The Charts tab allows you to see an almost real-time representation of your events. This functionality coupled with our Blockchain technology, grants you the insurance to see who's in possession of your tickets at all times. This representation comes with a classification of spectators to help you identify users that might act in an unwanted way.
Please be
How to read it ?
The color coded nodes represents users with tickets. The label on the left side explains the behavior for each color.
Green nodes are spectator with an Adequate Behavior, yellow ones are more dubious, oranges behave in a way we would prefer to avoid and red nodes are clearly bad behavior.
The size of nodes represents the inverse of trust score.
The Reports page allows organizer to generate a report of ticket statuses for any of their event. For now the reporting tool is limited to:
- Mobile Tickets Per Status subdivided per price category
The questionnaire report page is a new feature used to dig into the responses of a questionnaire. The goal is to offer the organizer the possibility to gain quick insights without having to look at an annoying CSV file.
The tool can be used even if there are no open-ended (free text) questions in the questionnaire (hence no natural language processing) since it will also help to gain insights about the closed questions (multiple-choice, radio-button).
1. Privileges on the AdminTool:
Few definitions:
- Read privileges means ability to view a given page or a given information on the AdminTool
- Create privileges means ability to create a new information on the AdminTool. Like create a ticket using the AdminTool
- Update privileges means ability to update an existing information on the AdminTool. Like update ticket details, update match details
- Delete privileges means ability to delete an existing information on the AdminTool. Like delete a ticket
- Search privileges means ability to execute a search on the AdminTool
- Export privileges means ability to export data from AdminTool
- execute: ability to execute an action (such as: send communications).
Pre defined roles:
- admin-user - AU: has all the privileges listed above.
- support-user SU: has limited privileges to the AdminTool
- basic-user BU: has only the ability to view information using the AdminTool
More details:
- The main user will be created manually by TIXnGO and provided to the organizer.
- The admin user will have the ability to create other users.
- Only 1 user can be admin.
Table of roles:
Access to the pages | |||||||||
Pages / views | Role | read | create | update | delete | search | export | re-execute | Show Icons |
Organizer profile / api key | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | n/a |
SU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Support->Spectator | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Resend |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | yes | Resend | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | yes | Resend | |
Support->Ticket | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | n/a |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Tickets | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Edit, Delete, Export |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | Delete | |
BU | yes | no | no | yes | no | no | no | Delete | |
Ticket Injection | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Inject |
SU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Events | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Export, Edit, Questionnaire, Security info (pin), Beacon Information |
SU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Spectators | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Export, Delete Sessions |
SU | yes | no | no | yes | no | no | no | Delete Sessions | |
BU | yes | no | no | yes | no | no | no | Delete Sessions | |
Communications | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Export, Resend |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Communications -> Notification Campaigns | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Schedule Campaign |
SU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Reports | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Export |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Transactions | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Export |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Pendings | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Export |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Mobile logs | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Export |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Settings | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | Edit Action |
SU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
Charts | AU | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | n/a |
SU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a | |
BU | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | n/a |