These pages document SecuTix BI and provide:
- An overview of SecuTix BI domains
- A Description of SecuTix BI domains and of the data included in these domains
This documentation takes automatically into account any changes brought to the domains.
Domains presentation
The following table gives an overview of the domains available in SecuTix BI.
By clicking on one of the report types, you can visualise the detail of the domains linked to this type. You will also find the descriptions of the data contained in these domains.
Type de rapport | Domaine | Description du domaine | Nom technique du domaine | Available since version |
Accounting | Account follow up | Pending account and credit account follow-up | D_ACCOUNT_FOLLOW_UP_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Accounting | List of payments | List of payments and refunds | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_PAYMENTS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Accounting | Voucher management | Voucher management | D_VOUCHER_MANAGEMENT_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Attendance | Attendance | Attendance statistics | D_ANALYTICS_ATTEND_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Availability | Product follow up | Product availability | D_AVL_PROD_FOLLWUP_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Availability | Room availability | Availability of seats in a given room | D_AVL_ROOM_AVL_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Configuration | Comfort variables | Comfort variables of the performances of an event | D_CONFIG_COMFORT_VARS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of areas | Information on the area of logical configurations | D_CONFIG_LOGICAL_AREA_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of performances | Detailed information on the performances of an event | D_CONFIG_LIST_PERF_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of products | Detailed information on configured products | D_CONFIG_PROD_LIST_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of operators | List of operators | D_OPERATOR_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Contact | Contact information | Detailed information of the contact | D_CONTACT_LIST_V1_0 | Piz Bernina V3 |
C | Contact criteria and other values | All contact information depending on the organization | D_CONTACT_ORG_INFO_V1_0 | Piz Bernina V3 |
Contact | Cultural history | Cultural history of a contact | D_CONCT_CULTURAL_HISTORY_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Contact | Links between contacts | All the links between contacts | D_CONTACT_CONNECTION_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Goods | Purchase diary | Purchase diary (by cultural institution) of a selection of goods | D_GOODS_PURCHASE_DIARY_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Goods | Stock status | Stock status of a selection of goods | D_GOODS_STATUS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Lottery | List of ticket requests | Detailed information on requested tickets via a lottery | D_LOTTERY_TICKET_REQUESTS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Lottery | List of lottery users | Detailed information on lottery users | D_LOTTERY_USERS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Lottery | List of requested tariff | Details on mentioned tariffs in the requested tickets via a lottery | D_LOTTERY_TARIFF_DETAILS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Lottery | List of guests | List of guests planned for the requested tickets | D_LOTTERY_GUESTS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Planned quotas | Planned quotas | Use and availability of planned quotas (contingent type "sub-target group") | D_AVL_PLANNED_QUOTAS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Planned quotas | Planned quotas of parents contingent | Use and availatility of planned quotas (contingent type "target group") | D_AVL_PLANNED_QUOTAS_PARENT_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Sales | Link between operation and payment | Link between operation and payment | D_PAYMENT_OPERATION_LINK_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Sales | List of invoices | List of invoices and payment tracking | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_INVOICE_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Sales | List of sales | Detailed information on sales | D_SALES_LIST_SALES_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Sales | Product revenue | Number of sales and revenue | D_SALES_PROD_RECEIPT_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Sales | List of sales and matching payments | Detailed information on sales and their payment | D_SALES_PROD_PAYMENT_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Sales | Summary of fees | Revenue due to fees | D_SALES_FEES_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Sales | List of movements | Detailed information on movements created during orders | D_SALES_MOVEMENT_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Seats | List of seats | Detailed information on seats | D_SEATS_LIST_SEATS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Tickets | Access control | Access control history | D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK_V1_0 | Piz Bernina V1 |
List of t | List of tickets | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 | |
Tickets | Questionnaires | Answers to questionnaires | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_QSTNR_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Visits | Guide planning | Guides availability | D_VISIT_GUIDE_AVL_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Visits | Visit planning | Visit planning | D_VISIT_PLANNING_DATA_V1_1 | Matterhorn V3 |
Physical data model
Below graphs present the SecuTix BI domains and the interactions between these.
These graphs describe the way to naviguate between domains.
- Sales and payments
For instance: From a ticket (D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS), it is possible to know all controls (D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK) of this ticket as well as the answers to potential questionnaire associated to this ticket (D_SHIPTMENTTICKET_QSTNR).
- Following links between two domains are not illustrated in the graph for clarity reasons but are available in order to simplify the access:
- Link between D_SALES_LIST_SALES and D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK via T_OPERATION_ID. Cardinality: 1:1, 0:n
- Contact
- Lottery
- Configuration
- Goods
- Visits
In above graphs:
- Names starting by "T_" represent the fields allowing to navigate from one domain to another.
- : indicates that each instance of the entity A is linked to 0 or several instances of B and each instance of B is linked to exactly one instance of A