Simplified beneficiary and questionnaire input
Apply the same beneficiary to all tickets
You need to retain the information for a particular beneficiary and don't want to enter it separately for each ticket. In the Sales - reservation module, your operators can save time by copying information for one beneficiary to all the tickets with the 'Use entered beneficiary for all tickets' button.
Specify questionnaire input order at the box office
Again in the Sales - reservation module, your operators can specify the questionnaire input order, either by tariff or by product name. This selection is stored locally, which means it's updated on an ongoing basis, and can be changed
Separate mandatory beneficiary input from questionnaire input at point of purchase
You need online visitors to complete a questionnaire at the point of purchase, but you don't want to make beneficiary information input mandatory for all your products. This is now possible thanks to the new 'Answer questionnaire during sales' parameter, which is separate from the beneficiary input parameter.
So you can now separate mandatory beneficiary input from questionnaire input at point of purchase. Products with mandatory questionnaire input will be affected by this new parameter. Conversely, products that only require beneficiary input will be affected by the old parameter.
Note that a product which requires both beneficiary and questionnaire input will require online visitors to enter all the information at the point of purchase if one or other of these parameters is activated.
Products which require neither input will not be affected by these two parameters.
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