Whymper V3.30
Bug fixes
[STX-88878] When using an iOS device, the button to accept the privacy of policy in the ticket shop is at the bottom of the page instead than at the top
[STX-87750] Group remark is duplicated when purchasing/exchanging visit pass
[STX-89383] Ticket shipment does not have an address associated when t
[STX-89760] The expiration date of a reservation in incoherent between orders and files in the ticket shop
[STX-89782] Successful credit card payments when using multiple payments are considered as failed by SecuTix
[STX-89420] The execution of "Batch to compute metrics" results in error due to large shipments
[STX-88841] Inconsistent display of ticket shop landing page with Internet Explorer 11
[STX-90597] A French translation is wrong in quick sales screen
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