Gabelhorn V1.15
Bug fixes
[STX-90339] Slowness and technical errors due to memory issues
[STX-90129] Special cases for Gigya login in ticket shop needs to be improved
[STX-89945] In the box office, the calendar raises errors when the operator has reading rights only
[STX-90147] Technical error when registering the accounting interface mapping on an event
[STX-90212] Old lottery contacts are not synchronized with the SecuTix back office due to illegal characters
[STX-90213] Lottery contacts are not synchronized with the SecuTix back office due to missing compulsory data
[STX-90245] Internal names of blocks are deleted when a file is added to the physical configuration
[STX-89178] Sporadically, seatmap seating action is blocked due to a technical error
[STX-90243] Selecting the best seat automatically for non-numbered areas is not working correctly
[STX-90174] In Lottery portal, when applying for tickets, a validation error message displays for birth dates
[STX-89939] It is not possible to delete seats with the new seat map editor tool
[STX-90054] The ticket shop catalog is taking too long to update for large institutions
[STX-88201] Option orders can in some circumstances be created without a main contact
[STX-88841] Inconsistent display of the ticket shop landing page when using Internet Explorer 11
[STX-89637] TIXnGO interface: SecuTix sends the "event start time" instead of "gate opening time"
[STX-89428] The order of performances are not the same between "Season ticket conditions" page and "Control" page
[STX-89427] The province "La Rioja" is not available in the contact creation fields, but the capital "Logroño" is displayed at its place
[STX-89850] URL encoding in SAM template modifies the url, which is not working correctly anymore
[STX-85856] Sporadically, payment transactions are correctly handled but are flagged as in error
[STX-89208] In a package with visit pass, the price selection popup of the dependent line displays the price of the parent line
[STX-89267] Impossible to modify group visit information when buying a group visit pass within a package
[STX-88726] Some Spanish translations are incorrect
[STX-85593] Product receipt report: Values of "Filling Rate Net Res. and Sold T" are incorrect
[STX-88757] Some German translations are incorrect
[STX-88255] Some province names are wrong for Spain
[STX-88124] It is not possible to choose directly the seats for an advantage in the box office
[STX-90420] Many documents are printed with incomplete address: zip code and town are not displayed
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