Get access to ticket barcodes straightaway on the screen at end of the sales process or in the confirmation email. No need anymore to connect on the online account to print the tickets and access the barcode, the system will do it for you with this feature.
SNEAK PEEK MANDATORY - Short description of the business need, value and high-level solution, written from the perspective of an operator. Keep it concise and put the new feature in the business context of customers.
Status should be SNEAK PEEK for features released in more than one sprint, UPCOMING for features coming in the current sprint. Feel free to add a second tag in front of a second paragraph if you re-use the page over several sprints.
RECOMMENDED - Description in more details about what the feature is. Keep it more operator-oriented, not overly "marketing".
Important information
Explain how the mandatory ticket holder infos is managed.
Explain the max number of tickets that will be printed with the feature and what happens when there is more ticket than the limit.
Getting started
Set the new POS param.
That's it, barcodes will be now printed stragthaway at the end of the sales process and will be displayed in the confirmation email.
New pos param, apply for all internet sale channels except B2P.
If new pos param is 1D/QR and shipment mode of the order is E-ticket:
- Once order is closed, before creating docume
- Result: the tickets are printed automatically, similar as when internet user already printed the ticket.
OPTIONAL - Show some example use in actual customer use cases, or other relevant information.