It is possible to reimburse an order via the reimbursemen
For each repayment, the operator enters the customer's IBAN data. A bank transfer file can then be generated and sent to the bank to make the transfers.
The steps of a wire transfer :
- Step 0: Setting up the data required to manage bank transfers
- Step 1: determination by an operator of a bank transfer order
- Step 2: Generation, control and transmission of the bank file
Setting up
There is a standard credit transfer file corresponding to the SEPA standard. This file can be activated on request from SecuTix support.
A method of payment of the type Bank transfer and available for reimbursement must be created and associated with the points of sale that need it.
In the administrative numbers of the organisation, the IBAN, the BIC number and the SEPA Creditor Identifier must be entered.
Entering orders
If the operator reimburses an order using the Bank Transfer mode, a window appears in which he must enter the following mandatory values :
- Refunded contact: by default, this is the paying contact for the order.
- IBAN and BIC: provided by the contact
- Date of transfer: by default, D+30
Generating the Bank file
The organization is responsible for generating the bank files of the transfers and transmitting them to the bank in a timely manner from the Sales Add-On module by entering the following criteria :
- Type of agreement: transfer
- Date of processing by the bank (i.e. the date of the transfer)
This file contains the necessary information (amount, IBAN account, etc.) for the bank of all transfers to be transmitted whose date is less than or equal to the "Processing date" criterion entered.
Once the file has been generated, all the transfers taken into account in the generated bank file will go to the "Transmitted" status.
We recommend a first generation test of this pre-production sample file for validation with your bank before activation in production.
In order to be able to control the content of a bank file, the operator has the possibility to edit a report with the same two criteria "Agreement type" and "Processing date". A third criterion allows him to indicate whether this report is edited before or after the generation of the bank file.