Table of contents
- Big bangs
- Cool new features
- Small new features
- Cool new features
- Search and troubleshoot spectators stuck in the registration process
- 2FA to access the AdminTool
- Registration code 5 tries and same code for 5 times
- Screenshot and screen recording protection (native)
- Ticket deletion push notification with invalidation reason
- Language selection and FAQ on log-in screen
- Ticket transfer UI and UX enhancement including transfer message
- Security automatic switch from online to offline activations X minutes before Event Start Time
- Small new features
- Performance
- To come...
Product release notes
... As organizers, we want to inject multilingual for events and display it on mobile app. PART 1/3 → other 2 PARTs will be deployed in next upcoming sprints (c.f. PART 2: update multilingual for events directly on AdminTool, Transaction pending, PART 3: export events multilingual from AdminTool).
- Organizers to inject their tickets from S-360 (API), or by CSV file on AdminTool with multilingual support.
- Elements: Event name, Event website, Event address (site, line1, line2, line3, city), Group name, Group image, Master event name, Ticket details.
- Languages code (ISO 639-1:2002): Arabic (ar), Catalan (ca), Czech (cs), Dutch Flemish (nl), English (en), French (fr), German (de), Hungarian (hu), Italian (it), Portuguese (pt), Spanish (es), Turkish (tr).
- In case an event does not support a spectator’s app language, let display the event’s default language (English) (including its tickets label).
- If an event is supporting a spectator’s app language, let display event information by the app language of this spectator (including its tickets label).
- JSON format example.txt
... As an organizer, I can search and troubleshoot Spectators, who did not complete the registration process (for instance to retrieve registration code).
- Goal is for organizers to troubleshoot cases:
- Retrieve users' registration code, when registration process has not been completed,
- Retrieve users, who created an account without tickets (never had + already had tickets),
- Retrieve users, who have tickets in pending transfer from another user,
- Retrieve users, who have tickets in pending download (injection).
- Test scenarios
- Spectators that did not complete registration process → search for this spectator in the AdminTool and see the Pincode.
- Inject a ticket to user A which never registered in the system (injection pending) → search for this spectator in the AdminTool with status inactive (similar to user did not complete registration process).
- User A transferred a ticket to user B, who has never registered in the system (transfer pending) → search for this spectator in the AdminTool with status inactive (similar to user did not complete registration process).
- Spectators that did not complete registration process → search for this spectator in the AdminTool and see the Pincode.
... As an organizer, I can search by STG in the Ticket List screen. PART 1/3 → other 2 PARTs will be deployed in next upcoming sprints (c.f. PART 2: search by STG in the Transaction list, Transaction pending, PART 3: search by STG in Reports).
- Enable organizers to classify a ticket by a contingent.
- Inject the contingent successfully from S-360.
- Filter by the contingent in several screens (e.g. Ticket List screen), in order to have an overview of ticket status per each contingent,
- Send push notification for just some specific contingents,
- Export the ticket with the contingent.
- New Back Office AdminTool 2.0 Console > Settings > Organizer Settings > enable.contingent.feature
- New table REFERENCE_DATA, example:
Injection API (dependency on S-360)
- Data model: TICKET table adapted to add the contingent.
- Data migration: no needed, existing tickets are let empty.
- If the organizer enables the contingent feature, then contingent must not be empty, otherwise, it is kept optional.
- Injection CSV (dependency on Injection API)
- Contingent has been added in the CSV import file with the same structure as the API.
- Ticket List page
- If the organizer enabled the contingent feature:
- New filter by contingent is added, and new column contingent in the list:
- Value in drop down of the new filter comes from REFERENCE_DATA table of selected event if any or all events, with (key = ‘CONT’, lang = ‘en’)
- Query search result adapted.
- Contingent added in the export file.
- New filter by contingent is added, and new column contingent in the list:
- Otherwise, the current behavior has been kept.
- If the organizer enabled the contingent feature:
- Ticket Support page
- If the organizer enabled the contingent feature:
- AdminTool: contingent is added to the ticket details.
- Backend: returns the contingent for AdminTool.
- Otherwise, the current behavior has been kept.
- If the organizer enabled the contingent feature:
- Ticket assignement
- Bluetooth beacon identifier in the Backoffice AdminTool 2.0 Console
- Backoffice SU and BU can also resend communications under Support-Spectator page
- Adding the number of active sessions in the spectator export
- Backoffice enhanced security with lockout behavior for failed sign-in attempts
- On-the-fly Crowdin changes
- Ticket's Sub-Target Group (STG)
- Event group management
- Bluetooth beacon instance ID per event
- Admintool pagination improvments
- Event operations - Manual check time window on event day and event day + 1
- Ticket holders management - Ticket assignment data per event
Product release notes
Product features | ||||||||||||
TIX2-2415 / TIX2-2553 - Assignment data collection per event This new features will make ticket assignment and management easier for organizers and mobile users alike. Here are the details of the changes: Setting up the new required fields
Data collection on the mobile app Two new popups have been added that notify spectators about missing information for wallet owners and guests. The popups is displayed when spectators download their tickets and it will redirect them to the correct page to fill in the mis There are different scenarios for when the popups will appear, depending on the number of tickets that require extra information. If the wallet owner has not received any tickets for an event that requires extra information, then no popup will appear. If the wallet owner has one ticket for an event that requires extra information, a popup will appear if the Ticket owner is not yet assigned or has not kept for ticket for himself.
For example : If the wallet owner has two tickets for an event that requires extra information, several scenarios can arise. If the Ticket owner's extra fields are missing for both tickets, Popup 1 will appear first. After the spectator fills out the information for the first ticket, Popup 2 will appear for the second ticket. If the Ticket owner's extra fields are missing for only one ticket, Popup 2 will appear for that ticket, and if one ticket is kept for themselves and the other is assigned, no popup will appear. If the wallet owner has two tickets for two different events that require extra information, the same behavior as in the case with one event will occur.
These changes will make it easier for organizers to collect and manage important information from ticket holders, while also improving the mobile user experience. These updates will enhance the overall ticket management process for everyone involved. | ||||||||||||
TIX2-2723 - Quick manual check on event day and event day + 1 only The quick manual check feature that let's you check a ticket manually with a double tap was possible no matter the date when it was enabled. From now, the quick manual check will be only possible on event day and event day + 1. This new feature will make sure we don't have situations where tickets are activated well in advance (e.g. event day - 2) and the tickets are being check prior to event day by error. Reducing this risk will reduce the number of troubleshooting that may need to happen in such situation. | ||||||||||||
TIX2-2595 Admin tool pagination improvement You can now jump to the page you want directly by typing in the page number in the pagination component. | ||||||||||||
TIX2-2712 - Beacon instance ID can be the same across a whole event for all activation groups If you are users of beacons for ticket activation or checks you know that TIXNGO supports the following mode :
In this Breithorn V1 release, we are introducing a new dynamic mode :
This new mode facilitate the configuration and configuration changes for a whole event while keeping a strong level of security with different instance IDs per events. How to use this new mode ?
| ||||||||||||
TIX2-2016 - Event group management improvements The event group feature available in TIXNGO let you group event under an event group name that you can define at the injection. This release is extending the event group feature by introducing some improvements to provide more control and visibility :
AdminTool improvements
2. In the event list screen
3. Ticket list screen
On the API side, a new endpoint has been created to return the list of event group id and event group name (for the dropdown) Please note that the system will automatically delete old event group not having any event associated to it. | ||||||||||||
2. Search by Contingent (STG) in the Transaction list, Transaction pending
3. Search by Contingent (STG) in Reports
| |||||||||||| [Crowdin] Change Crowdin on the fly, do not require to upload a new build. Business benefits: Speed-up and ease the process of updating strings in the mobile wallet.
Crowdin on-the-fly loading system flow Disable / enable Crowdin synchronization A new setting is available to enable/disable the crowdin sync feature and works as described below : If the The local file on the app will contain translations from the last successful synchronization with Crowdin. In case an organizer changes the value from false to true but has never synchronized before, the app will call Crowdin, but if the synchronization fails, the local file loaded will be the default embedded one, which was present when the app was built. If the Admin tool configuration for Crowdin synch activation | |||||||||||| Brute force protection for Console. Business benefits: Add additional security into the Backoffice.
| |||||||||||| Number of active sessions is missing in the spectator export in the TIXnGO console. Business benefits: Add additional information in the spectator export.
| |||||||||||| [All organizers] As an AdminTool 2.0 support-user (SU) and basic-user (BU), I can also resend communications under Support-Spectator page (so far only admin-user (AU)). Business benefits: Provide more flexibility to the operations and enhance the Backoffice rights for SU and BU.
| |||||||||||| We need logic in the app to activate offline mode is case of not working backend, so we can prevent loss of tickets. Business benefits: Provide a last-minute security backup to activate the tickets.
| |||||||||||| As a ticket holder, I have a new UI/UX design when transferring my ticket. Business benefits: Personalize with a message the transfer of a ticket.
| |||||||||||| As a wallet user, I can see on the ticket, if and when a wristband has been allocated.
| |||||||||||| As a wallet user, I can select the in-app language on the log-in screen, and access the FAQ. | ||||||||||||
TIX2-1769 / TIX2-1882 / TIX2-1883 Inject multilingual data for events, Manage multilingual data for events on AdminTool and export events multilingual from AdminTool. Inject multilingual data for events
Manage multilingual data for events on AdminTool AdminTool 2.0 supports multilingual configuration for event and ticket details. Organizers can view and update event information in multiple languages. When switching to another language, a confirmation pop-up message will be displayed if there are unsaved changes. Changes made in each language will be saved separately. AdminTool dropdown for language selection Export events multilingual from AdminTool Organizers can export multilingual content of their events and send it to reviewers for review for example. With the "Export Multilingual" button on the Events screen, all search results events will be exported to a CSV file, including event information and ticket detail labels in multiple languages. The exported data fields include Event ID, Group Event ID, Event date and time, Section, Rank, Language. CSV export including all languages | |||||||||||| As an organizer, I can search and troubleshoot Spectators, who did not complete the registration process (for instance to retrieve registration code).
| |||||||||||| Following time activation (online or offline), disable transfer only after ticket check (via beacon or manually).
| S2 | TnG | Mob |
Please note that when a beacon or manual check is performed, the check method and beacon name information and timestamps will be displayed at the bottom of the ticket. The beacon name is useful The beacon name used for the check is also available on the admintool in the mobile logs screen. | |||||||| As an organizer, I want to send a push notification with a specific reason while deleting a ticket.
| S2 | TnG | Mob |
| |||||||| [Screenshot/recording protection] As TIXNGO, I replace ScreenShieldKit existing solution by implementing flutter library screen_protector (available on Related to the previous delivery in 2022 Weisshorn V2 all organizers: Screenshot and screen recording protection.
| ||||||||||||
TnG | Mob | [All Branded SDK-based App] Secure offline activation mode.
| S2 | TnG | BO | ||||||| TIXNGO Beacon Identifier not in separate column in the mobile logs in the TIXNGO console.
| ||||||||||||
S2 | TnG | BO | Assign (keep) data missing fields (Nationality + ID passport number) + data feedback to S360.
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S2 | TnG | Mob | Ticket activation / green & blue screen don't disappear by themselves if no click.
| S1 | TnG | |||||||
Mob | As an AdminTool user, I have more flexibility when setting Promos in the app.
| S1 | TnG | Mob | |||||||| As a wallet user, I see an asterisk ("*") next to mandatory fields.
| ||||||||||||
S1 | TnG | Mob | As a wallet user, I receive by email the same registration code 5 times in a row, AND I can try to enter the registration code at a maximum 5 times.
| S1 | TnG | |||||||
BO | As a AdminTool 2.0 user, I have to pass a Second Factor Authentification (2FA)