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You are streaming content to your public

Streaming and digital content for your audience

Streaming content to your audience already or plan to do it soon while looking at new sources of revenue

, then you are on the right page to discover

. Discover how SecuTix can help you

in the monetization of

to monetize your virtual content and connect with your audience through new ways.

The birth of a new normal

With the COVID-19 comes the birth of new world and the new normal where streaming content is used a new normal with new ways to access art, live enterainment, sport and music. Streaming content is more and more used to connect with your public audience and deliver great content connecting while content while ensuring safety. Digitalization of live enterainement, Museums, Brand homes, sport and e-sport are growing fast . This is also creating a unique opportunity to create new sources of revenue. SecuTix can help you going this transition to the new normal by not only selling exclusive access to the rich digital content you produce.  

Summary - Give a summary of the product and the benefit. Assume the reader will not read anything else so make this paragraph good.

Problem - Describe the problem your product solves. (One sentence)

  • Many changes happening right now, new rules, new normal, different ways to consume art, live enterainement, sport, music etc..
  • We need to not forget that we are helping you to you (content producer) to connect with fans etc... In this role of a digital bridge between your content and your public we adapt and share with you new ways to connect with your audience.
  • Can we measure something ? reports ? how many streamers others ?
  • Many challenges 
    • the need doing while being lockdown
    • the need to connect while being isolated
    • the need to apply social distancing rules while selling diverse type of content
    • making the best out of streaming platform and media content creation platform in general.

Solution - Describe how your product elegantly solves the problem. (One sentence)

How to Get Started - Describe how easy it is to get started or point to a How to page that can get access from the tutorial section.

Other Call to Action (optional) - Give pointers where the reader should go next or if there are other feature related to the one you have described.

Purchase a virtual seat, standard sales process user selects if virtual or real by price selection

Purchase the best seat virtual one, with infinite capacity, non numbered zone (increase sales)

Predefine the seat that are virtual or not with social disancing rules (social distancing)

Platform capacity (live comment)

  • Live stream (additionnal features available depending on the platform)
  • Any time access

Url in emails a bit hidden in iframe pop-up ONP style

publish the url on the site + SAM emails

access through credentials

youtube private video



if the platform does monetization then we don't dobut also measure the impact and success of such offers. Let's have look on the different constraints and how you can make the best of it with SecuTix.

Some of the challenges...

  • The need to connect while being isolated
  • The need to apply social distancing rules while keep on selling a real life and digital content.
  • Making the best out of streaming platforms and media content creation platforms in general.
  • Measure the success of the new kind of content your are selling with SAM.

...where SecuTix can help you 

SecuTix offers the possibility to link digital content to any product.  As simple as it sounds, you can attach to any event, visit pass or service a digital content link that will be accessible from the ticket list screen in the personal account page to your audience. This opens a lot of new possibilities such as :

  • Selling virtual seats while selling standard tickets within the same online customer journey at a price you can define trough an advantage or a new tariff for example.
  • Extend the capacity of your performances with a virtual seat non-numbered section (unlimited capacity) that would offer the best view on stage, fields.
  • Ensure the respect of social distancing rules by setting some seats of your seatMap as virtual only.
  • Connect with your audience in new ways, with great features like live comments offered by the live streaming platforms of your choice or simply to a webpage you host where you push your virtual content.

Patreon Logo Png Transparent Background - Youtube Logo ...Image Added

only for free access videos

Twitch to livestream Overwatch League matches until 2020Image Added

Vimeo Logo Video - Free vector graphic on PixabayImage Added

Zoom logo - The Naked VocalistImage Added

Keep it up with social distancing 

Keeping social distancing while selling can be achieved through selling a mix of real and virtual seats by setting up a chessboard seating logic. That's the birth of a new seat category that could be named "virtual seat category" that can be sold like any other seats in SecuTix. It only take some setup to be done on your existing seatmaps to create this new seat ca

Offer the best seat to all your virtual audience

Another great opportunity with the virtual seats is that everyone can get access to the best seat in the venue or stadium, and even better the capacity of your venue becomes unlimited. To keep the same customer journey, you can add a non-numbered section to your existing products that would be the virtual seats quota. Your customers would then be able to purchase within the same purchase process the virtual and real seats. Then, simply from their ticket list on their personnal account they would be able to access the virtual content in just one click.

Kick-off interactive cross-selling

Most streaming platforms will let you setup interactive calls-to-action on the top, such as "purchase a ticket for the next real life event in your city". Those cross-selling opportunities combined with the tracking capability of SAM, will let you measure the revenue generated by those interactive calls-to-action.

How to Get Started

You can create a servive request in order for uur service team to fully support you in the first setup of your selling digital content initiative. 

titleLinking digital content to your ticketing catalog of products

Linking digital content to your ticketing catalog of products.

  1. In the catalog open the product on which you want to set a digital content for your audience.
  2. Create a custom variable having the internal_code "STREAM".
  3. In the value section enter the following format of JSON data.

Code Block
titleJSON format
  "link": "",
  "tariff" : "VIRSEAT",
  "accessCredentials" : "SUPERDUPAFLY",
  "tracking": "true",
  "sampUrl": ""
  • link (mandatory) : can be a url or an <iframe>, please note if it's not a url, make sure to had the correct escape characters in JSON.
  • tariff (optional) : the tariffcode that will make the "access button" to third party content visible, if not defined, all tariffs will provide access to the access button.
  • accessCredentials (optional) : the value mentionned here will be displayed close the "access button"
  • tracking (optional) : true / false, by default the value is true. This parameter allows to activate or not the tracking of the link (if the tracking link is correctly defined below).
  • sampUrl (optional) : Specify the link that will be used for tracking, you can generate such link with "SAM Url builder" feature.

An example if you want several tariffs to make the "access button" visible. 

  • tariffs (optional) : the tariffcodes that will make the "access button" to third party content visible, if not defined, all tariffs will provide access to the access button.
Code Block
titleJSON format
  "link": "",
  "tariffs" : ["VIRSEAT","MEMBER"],
  "accessCredentials" : "SUPERDUPAFLY",
  "tracking": "true",
  "sampUrl": ""

dev in progress this section may change a bit

Image Added

Your audience can access this new content from their personal account ticket list screen.

  1. When a virtual content has been purchased, a new button "Watch now" will be available on the ticket list screen in the ticketshop for your customers.
  2. A simple click on this button when the content is available will redirect you to the virtual content.
  3. If the the access the virtual content is protected by an access code you will have the possibility to display the access code on this page too and to send it to your customer through a SAM email campaign.

Image Added

This feature requires your customer to create an account online, therefore it's not compatible with the guest checkout feature.