TODONew Gravity Calendar Widgets
The simplicity and flexibility of the Gravity Widgets keep unlocking new ways to enhance your customer journey. Creating a modern and intuitive calendar view for your catalogue of products is easier than ever. Having a real-time product availability calendar displayed anywhere on your website also becomes a reality now.
TODOPrice breakdown
Take profit of major improvements brought to SecuTix price breakdown module: easier to set-up, more flexible, available for all kinds of prices. This important project has started in Whymper V2 and will continue in the next releases.
TODOSecuTix Data AnalyTix
Get a better understanding of your business with our new Business Intelligence solution. SecuTix Data AnalyTix is the ultimate solution for you, Live Entertainment professionals, to analyze your data. Dashboards & reports will give you full insights on your activities.
Other new features and enhancements
Whymper V2 also features a number of other improvements.
- Enhanced E-commerce Tracking (DLE)
Technical enhancements
Comme annoncé dans la précédente note de livraison, nous avons démarré la ré-écriture de l'éditeur de template de billet en HTML5 avec un nouveau look and feel (une version préliminaire sera progressivement mise à disposition pour test dans Whymper V3)
Online sales
- Gain deeper insights of your online customers' engagement with enhanced e-commerce tracking
- Single use code improvements
- Payments with MasterPass
Visit passes
- Automatically retrieve exchanges rates
- Handle multiple countries inside an organization
- Define comfort variables for any products
Seat map configuration
- Configure the colors of your seat map and printouts
- Easily navigate to the desired location on the map
Sales management
- Import file remarks in bulk
- Print a pending account invoice with the full history
- Print your season tickets in mass and import external card IDs using Fortress UK interface
Access control
Technical enhancements
- We now have an automatic integration with the security vulnerability data source (https://www.cvedetails.com/) et nous mettons à jour en continue les librairies/serveurs d'application/serveurs web/... impactées. Whymper V2 n'échappe donc pas à la règle et les composants necessaires ont été mis à jour afin d'être à la pointe de la sécurité et d'améliorer les performances et la disponibilité de la and we update continuously the impacted libraries, application servers, web servers, etc. All Whymper V2 required components have been updated to guaranty the security, performance and availability of the solution.
- Datamart API is migrating to postgreSQL, hosted on AWS to increase performance, security (end to end encryption), availability (resilient to a major disaster) and decrease cost (no dedicated VPN needed any more). This means that no dedicated VPN is required anymore.
- Payment with coins is now finally supported in our New Ticket Vending Machine software. Not only do we constantly deliver innovative digital solutions using Gravity, but we also take care of features that are still in-use in the previous version. With the support of the coin slot machine, the new TVM software is now 100% isofunctional, which means support for the old TVM software will be discontinued as of the end of 2018. You will be contact. We also offer a brand new TVM hardware with a large and immersive touch screen. For more information, feel free to contact our support team.
New features in the pipeline with integrated digital solutions from our add-on technologies
- Après une integration directe avec After a direct integration with Paypal, Premium Credit, Slimpay ou Sharegroop et en complément des cartes traditionnelles and Sharegroop, and in addition to standard cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners, Maestro,...) ou des méthodes de paiements "alternatives" comme and other payment methods like Giropay, Sofort, EPS, PostFinance, Cofinoga, Twint ou Lyfpay, il est désormais possible de payer en ligne avec MasterPass. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à choisir les moyens de paiement les plus adaptés a votre cas métier et/ou votre géographie pour augmenter le taux de conversion de vos ventes.
- Optimiser vos revenus via des stratégies avancées grace à une integration temps réel avec Smart Pricer
- Après it is now possible to pay online with MasterPass. It is up to you to chose the best payment methods for your business and geo-localization in order to increase your conversion rates.
- Optimize your revenue thanks to advanced strategies with the real time integration of Smart Pricer.
- After Classictic, Tripadvisor/Viator, Ryanair ou or TickX, une nouvelle integration temps réel avec billetreduc vous permet de diversifier vos canaux de ventes tout en conservant la simplicité de la gestion centralisée de vos produits et inventaire dans SecuTix. SimplyX et Scotcomms viennent s'ajouter à la liste des partenaires fournissant des solutions de controle d'accès comme
- a new real time integration with billetreduc allows you to add a new sales channel while keeping the simplicity of a centralized inventory in SecuTix.
- Scotcomms has been added to the list of access control partners like Orange Stadaccess, FortressGB, Skidata Handshake. ..
- Si vous faites partie d'un réseau de distrubution liée a des cartes telles que
- If you are part of a distribution network with cards like Paris Museum Passou , carte Paris Musée (ou les autres cartes gérées par Otipass), l'intégration forte avec Otipass vous permettra de laisser les detenteurs passer en direct au controle d'accès tout en vous garantissant un reporting précis des utilisations aggregé avec les reste de vos ventes dans SecuTixUn nouveau connecteur (disponible dans l'AppExchange de Salesforce!!) permet une visualiation 360° des contacts directement dans Salesforce grace à une synchronisation bidirectionnelle quasi temps réel des contacts et une integration widget, vous permettant ainsi mettre en place vos workflows de suivi des contacts dans Service Cloud ou Community Cloud. L'utilisation de Marketing Cloud ou Sales Cloud est aussi possible avec quelques restrictions (qui seront levées lors de la prochaine version du connecteur).
NB: il est aussi possible de mettre en place un Single Sign On entre SecuTix et Salesforce or other cards managed by Otipass, the strong integration with Otipass will allow card holders to directly go through your access control while providing you with clear usage reporting aggregated with the rest of your sales done through SecuTix.
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There is an update available for the SecuTix Firefox kit, which includes a new way to manage communication between your box office and peripherals – printers, payment terminals and cash drawers. This is the 'Device Manager' installed with Firefox, which now controls box office peripherals. It replaces the applets, which are now discontinued. If you haven't installed the latest version, please see How to install the SecuTix kit (Firefox and Device Manager). |
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