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En complément de l'augmentation des capacités de nos Cloud privés, nous vous proposons d'utiliser un Cloud public - Amazon AWS - pour y stocker les ressources "grand public" utilisées par les filières internet.

Les avantages sont nombreux:


To complement the expansion of the capacities of our private Clo, we are offering you a public Cloud - Amazon AWS-  where you can store consumer resources used by internet channels.

The many advantages include:

  • More flexible settings: The possibility of uploading several product images with different formats/ratios allows you to optimise the display according to where the image is being shown and the device on which it is being viewed.
  • Better image resizing thanks to optimised algorithms: Bigger, less bulky images that load faster, particularly on smartphones, for both 2D product images and 360° photos of a seat view.
  • Increased peak sales capacities.The implementation of a Content Delivery Network (Amazon Cloud Front) permet de disposer d'une bande passante quasi infinie, ce qui garantit des temps de réponse plus rapides pour les internautes.Haute disponibilité gives you almost infinite bandwidth, guaranteeing quicker response times for users.
  • High availability (99.99%) et extrême durabilité and extreme durability (99.999999999%) pour ces ressourcesfor these resources.



La transition du stockage des ressources depuis les Cloud privés SecuTix vers AWS se fera institution par institution avec une communication préalable de la date effectiveResources will be transferred from the SecuTix private Clouds to AWS institution by institution, with the date being communicated in advance.