Domain - Contact information
Domain description
This domain contains the contact detailed information and corresponds to the view D_CONTACT_LIST_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 contact. Prospects are also included. Each record contains information related to:
The contact itself (e.g. first name, last name)
Postal address
Communications channel (email address, telephone number)
Information related to the structure if the contact is
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attribute T_CONTACT_ID. In case of relay, a first record describes the person and a second record describes the structure linked to the relay.
This domain is available since Piz Bernina V3.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_CONTACT_LIST
Domain - Contact criteria and other values
Domain description
This domain contains all information of a contact linked to an organization and corresponds to the view D_CONTACT_ORG_INFO_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 information linked to a given contact for a given organization with the information related to:
- Financial information
Communication authorizations
Contact criteria
Personal data of a loyalty program
Notes about the contact
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attributes: T_CONTACT_ID, ORGANIZATION, T_INFORMATION_KIND, T_INFORMATION_CODE, INFORMATION_RANK.
This domain is available since Piz Bernina V3.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains D_CONTACT_ORG_INFO
Domain - Cultural history
Domain description
This domain contains the cultural history of a contact and corresponds to the view D_CONCT_CULTURAL_HISTORY_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 contact benefiting of a given product as part of a given operation (sales or reservation) with information related to:
Beneficiary (cultural contact) and his/her address
The product (including its price, tariff and location in the seat map)
The buyer (purchase contact and file contact)
Order executor (operator)
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attribute T_MOVEMENT_ID.
This domain is available since Matterhorn V3.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_CONCT_CULTURAL_HISTORY
Domain - Link between contacts
Domain description
This domain describes the link between contacts and corresponds to the view D_CONTACT_CONNECTION_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 link between two given contacts with information related to:
- ID of parent contact
- ID of child contact
- Link type (e.g. structure member, sponsor, belonging to the same group, etc.)
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attribute T_CONNECTION_ID or all of the following attributes : T_PARENT_CONTACT_ID, T_CHILD_CONTACT_ID, T_TYPE.
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Description des colonnes du domaine
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_CONTACT_CONNECTION_V1_0