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Domain - Product revenue
Domain description
This domain contains the number of sales and revenue and corresponds to the table D_SALES_PROD_RECEIPT_V1_0 in which:
1 record = Total amount of the sale of a given product with given conditions and a given date with information related to:
Sales date
Sales channel
The product
Product’s temporal validity
Price conditions (tariff, advantage)
Sales amount (or booking, refund) of the product and the linked fees
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes : AGENT_NUMBER, T_ADVANTAGE_ID, T_AUDIENCE_SUB_CAT_ID, T_CONTINGENT_ID, T_ITEM_ID, T_SALES_CHANNEL_ID, T_ORIGINATING_SALES_CHANNEL, T_TIMESLOT_ID, ORDE
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related to the range of data of the domain: linkmissing
Domain - Product revenue payment
Domain description
This domain contains detailed information on sales and their payment and corresponds to the table D_SALES_PROD_PAYMENT_V1_0 in which:
1 record = sales or refund of a given product within a given operation (order line) payed with a given payment with information related to:
The product
Product’s temporal validity
Price conditions (tariff, advantage)
Sales amount (or refund) of the product and the linked fees
Sales executor (operator, sales channel,…)
Sales information (date, order number, purchase contact)
Payment method
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes : T_OPERATION_ID, T_PAYMENT_ID
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related to the range of data of the domain: linkmissing
Domain - Summary of fees
Domain description
This domain contains revenue due to fees and corresponds to the table D_SALES_FEES_V1_0 in which:
1 record = Fees amount of a given type charged at the sale of a given product with a given validity date and tariff with information related to:
The product (only for fees linked to a product, not for general fees)
Product’s temporal validity (visit timeslot, match)
Financial information (tariff, amount)
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes : T_AUDIENCE_SUB_CAT_ID, T_FEE_ID, T_ITEM_ID, T_SALCHAN_ID, T_TIMESLOT_ID, ORDER_DATE.
In case of a match, T_ITEM_ID can be replaced by the couple (T_PERFORMANCE_ID, T_SEAT_CAT_ID).
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related to the range of data of the domain: linkmissing