Visitor with 1 single Otipass card can enter several Museums Otipass cards are now supported in SecuTix, allowing your visitors to enter as many museums as he wants in a given daysday with a single Otipass card.
In order to allow entries with Otipass cards, there requires 2 significant stepsthe following steps need to be configured:
- Validate scanned cards with Otipass system.
- Integrate sales in Secutix SecuTix with controlled Otipass cards.
Validate scanned cards with Otipass system
Configuration in
SecuTix Access control system
Connection parameters with Otipass server:
- Interface Type: OTIPASS
- URL, Username, Password
- information will be provided by the Otipass system
- Mapping Parameters
- Otipass information: SectorCode has to be defined in the mapping with the Otipass SpaceID.
- SecuTix information: SeasonCode and ProductCode are mandatory to create Sales in
- SecuTix.
2. Scan an Otipass card:
The scanning requires 2 steps:
Scanning Otipass cards
There are two steps to the scanning:
- Detection: recognize Otipass card by using their detection algorithm (Card length + checksum + barcode content)
- Validation: card is validated by Otipass external system via the interface defined as above, result is then
- returned to
- the access control server.
At this time,
the operator knows the result and
allows the visitor to enter the museum or not.
Once the valid card is scanned
the access control server generates a specific barcode for this control with format: "OTI+cardnumber+timestamp" and
stores the additional information SeasonCode and ProductCode on this barcode.
- In
- offline mode, only the
- detection step is
- done. If the scanner recognizes the Otipass card, then
- the access is granted.
- In the post-synchronization
- of offline checks, Otipass controls are stored with a specific barcode + seasonCode + productCode in
- the access control server
- , similarly to the online mode.
Sales reintegration in
SecuTix with controlled Otipass cards
For each successfully scanned Otipass card, an order with a corresponding ticket
will be created inside
SecuTix as a regular sales in order to have a consistent view of the sales and attendance information in the reporting.
This requires the following configuration:
- Synchronize Otipass barcodes to
- SecuTix thanks to the new version of
- the access control interface (v1.4) and a new mapping between ProductCode and Tariff.
- Create sales using the current
- external sales interface.
2. Configurations:
Product in Secutix:
As the Otipass card can be controlled several times
, the Otipass related products have to be configured using the Open Pass product family.
New mapping in
SecuTix Access control interface
- Map productCode
- to tariff.
For each synchronized Otipass barcode, we can link seasonCode, productCode, tariff to prepare data for the external sales integration.
External sales interface
External Sales channel: type "STX_File" (Note: Sales channel Code has to be exactly "OTIPASS")
Create Otipass contact allowing payment mode Pending account.