- In order to maintain performance levels, the indicator is only recalculated if a contact is eligible for deletion or anonymisation, given the current value of the indicator and the chosen period of inactivity. It does not necessarily provide the complete contact recency.
- For example: A contact has purchased a ticket for a performance taking place on 15 June 2018. The initial batch process runs and sets the indicator to 15 June. A few weeks later, the contact purchases a ticket for a performance on 1 September 2018. Suppose the batch was executed on 1 August after the purchase of the second ticket. The second batch process will not update the contact recency as it is too recent to be anonymised.
- The batch anonymisation process only deals with individual contacts and relays and not the structures themselves nor contacts with another role (eg, supplier, guide, exhibitor, producer, partner, contractor)
Removing a prospect / anonymising a contact
When a contact is anonymised (either through the batch or manually by the operator), the country, town and post code of the address are kept. By this way, the reports on the geographical origin of the customers can still provide accurate information. The other address information are still deleted so that the identity of the anonymised contact cannot be recovered. When a prospect is removed, all address information are deleted.
Important reminder
You can select the minimum period of inactivity. The batch process has a default setting of 36 months, which corresponds to the normally recommended 3-year period in France. The batch process also offers a simulation mode, which displays the list of contacts about to be anonymised/deleted. Since this batch process will have a considerable and irreversible impact on your contact database, we strongly recommend you run in simulation mode first in order to identify all affected contacts. No contact who is a debtor or creditor to your in