Theme | Domain/Sub-theme | Domain description | Technical name of the domain | Available since version |
AccountingAccounting | Account follow up | Pending account and credit account follow-up | D_ACCOUNT_FOLLOW_UP_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
AccountingAccounting | List of payments | List of payments and refunds | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_PAYMENTS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
AccountingAccounting | Voucher management | Voucher management | D_VOUCHER_MANAGEMENT_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
AttendanceAttendance | Attendance | Attendance statistics | D_ANALYTICS_ATTEND_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
AvailabilityAvailability | Product follow up | Product availability | D_AVL_PROD_FOLLWUP_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
AvailabilityAvailability | Room availability | Availability of seats in a given room | D_AVL_ROOM_AVL_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Configuration | Comfort variables | Comfort variables of the performances of an event | D_CONFIG_C | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of areas | Information on the areas of logical configurations | D_CONFIG_LOGICAL_AREA_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of performances | Detailed information on the performances of an event | D_CONFIG_LIST_PERF_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of products | Detailed information on configured products | D_CONFIG_PROD_LIST_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Configuration | List of operators | List of operators | D_OPERATOR_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Contact | Contact information | Detailed information of the contact | D_CONTACT_LIST_V1_0 | Piz Bernina V3 |
Contact | Contact criteria and other values | All contact information depending on the organization | D_CONTACT_ORG_INFO_V1_0 | Piz Bernina V3 |
Contact | Cultural history | Cultural history of a contact | D_CONCT_CULTURAL_HISTORY_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Contact | Links between contacts | All the links between contacts | D_CONTACT_CONNECTION_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
GoodsGoods | Purchase diary | Purchase diary (by cultural institution) of a selection of goods | D_GOODS_PURCHASE_DI | Matterhorn V3 |
GoodsGoods | Stock status | Stock status of a selection of goods | D_GOODS_STATUS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Lottery | List of ticket requests | Detailed information on requested tickets via a lottery | D_LOTTERY_TICKET_REQUESTS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Lottery | List of lottery users | Detailed information on lottery users | D_LOTTERY_USERS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Lottery | List of requested tariffs | Details on tariffs mentioned in the tickets requested via a lottery | D_LOTTERY_TARIFF_DETAILS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Lottery | List of guests | List of guests planned for the requested tickets | D_LOTTERY_GUESTS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Planned quotas | Planned quotas | Use and availability of planned quotas (contingent type "sub-target group") | D_AVL_PLANNED_QUOTAS_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
Planned quotas | Planned quotas of parents contingent | Use and availability of planned quotas (contingent type "target group") | D_AVL_PLANNED_QUOTAS_PARENT_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
SalesSales | Link between operation and payment | Link between operation and payment | D_PAYMENT_OPERATION_LINK_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Sales Sales | List of invoices | List of invoices and payment tracking | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_INVOICE_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
SalesSales | List of sales | Detailed information on sales | D_SALES_LIST_SALES_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
SalesSales | Product revenue | Number of sales and revenue | D_SALES_PROD_RE | Matterhorn V3 |
SalesSales | List of sales and matching payments | Detailed information on sales and their payment | D_SALES_PROD_PAYMENT_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
SalesSales | Summary of fees | Revenue due to fees | D_SALES_FEES_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
SalesSales | List of movements | Detailed information on movements created during orders | D_SALES_MOVEMENT_V1_0 | Whymper V1 |
SeatsSeats | List of seats | Detailed information on seats | D_SEATS_LIST_SEATS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
TicketsTickets | Access control | Access control history | D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK_V1_0 | Piz Bernina V1 |
List of tickets | List of tickets | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 | |
TicketsTickets | Questionnaires | Answers to questionnaires | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_QSTNR_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Visits | Guide planning | Guides availability | D_VISIT_GUIDE_AVL_V1_0 | Matterhorn V3 |
Visits | Visit planning | Visit planning | D_VISIT_PLANNING_DATA_V1_1 | Matterhorn V3 |