These pages document SecuTix BI and provide:
This documentation takes automatically into account any changes brought to the domains.
Domains presentation
The following table gives an overview of the domains available in SecuTix BI.
Type de rapport | Domaine | Description du domaine | Nom technique du domaine |
Accounting | Account follow up | Pending account and credit account follow-up | D_ACCOUNT_FOLLOW_UP_V1_0 |
Accounting | List of payments | List of payments and refunds | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_PAYMENTS_V1_0 |
Accounting | Voucher management | Voucher management | D_VOUCHER_MANAGEMENT_V1_0 |
Attendance | Attendance | Attendance statistics | D_ANALYTICS_ATTEND_V1_0 |
Availability | Product follow up | Product availability | D_AVL_PROD_FOLLWUP_V1_0 |
Availability | Room availability | Availability of seats in a given room | D_AVL_ROOM_AVL_V1_0 |
Contact | Contact information | Detailed information of the contact | D_CONTACT_LIST_V1_0 |
Contact | Contact criteria and other values | All contact information depending on the organization | D_CONTACT_ORG_INFO_V1_0 |
Contact | Cultural history | Cultural history of a contact | D_CONCT_CULTURAL_HISTORY_V1_0 |
Goods | Purchase diary | Purchase diary (by cultural institution) of a selection of goods | D_GOODS_PURCHASE_DIA |
Goods | Stock status | Stock status of a selection of goods | D_GOODS_STATUS_V1_0 |
Sales | Link between operation and payment | Link between operation and payment | D_PAYMENT_OPERATION_LINK_V1_0 |
Sales | List of invoices | List of invoices and payment tracking | D_ACCOUNT_LIST_INVOICE_V1_0 |
Sales | List of sales | Detailed information on sales | D_SALES_LIST_SALES_V1_0 |
Sales | Product revenue | Number of sales and revenue | D_SALES_PROD_RECEIPT_V1_0 |
Sales | List of sales and matching payments | Detailed information on sales and their payment | D_SALES_PROD_PAYMENT_V1_0 |
Sales | Summary of fees | Revenue due to fees | D_SALES_FEES_V1_0 |
Seats | List of seats | Detailed information on seats | D_SEATS_LIST_SEATS_V1_0 |
Tickets | Access control | Access control history | D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK_V1_0 |
List of tickets | List of tickets | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS_V1_0 | |
Tickets | Questionnaires | Answers to questionnaires | D_SHIPMENTTICKET_QSTNR_V1_0 |
Visits | Guide planning | Guides availability | D_VISIT_GUIDE_AVL_V1_0 |
Visits | Visit planning | Visit planning | D_VISIT_PLANNING_DATA_V1_1 |
Physical data model
Below graphs present the SecuTix BI domains and the interactions between these.