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What is GDPR ? 

General Data Protection Regulation defines precisely what is a personal data and the various roles every entity handling or porcessing them has.

You can find the official SecuTix page and cheatsheet by clicking on this link : GDPR

The author

There are 7 fields in SecuTix attached to authorization management :

Legal information section in the contact sheet

  • Accept communication from institution by email
  • Accept transmission of elec. coordinates to third parties
  • Accept communication from partners

Communication section in the contact sheet

  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Letter

In green : fields that will impact the way SAM in filtering contacts for you in respect of GDPR rules

The touch points you need to GDPR check ?

The sales channel/features you should consider when talking about communication authorizations :

  • Online sales channels (B2C, B2B, ...)
  • Backoffice sales channel (Box office, etc...)
  • SAM

What to do to h

Having a clean authorizations management means that you users are able to set and update the authorization you need to do your marketing. In 90% of the cases (as most of the marketing campaigns are done through emails) you need to make sure the following authorization is displayed on the touch points you have with your customers : 

  • Accept communication from institution by email : By ticking this authorization the customer confirms accepting to receive communication communications from your institution by email.
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Standard authorization setup in the marketing tab of the contact sheet.

Image AddedStandard authorization setup in the marketing tab of the profile page on the Ticketshop

How can I choose which authorizations are displayed to the end-user ?



How SAM handles the authorization checks ?

