A contact can be Individual or Structure so for Contact creation case: At least FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME or STRUCT_NAME must have
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- If first name/ last name is filled and structure name is blank → Individual will be created. (1)
- If structure name is filled and first name + last name is blank → Structure will be created. (2)
- If structure name and first name/ last name are filled → Structure + Relay will be created. (3)
Address applies to both structure and relay. Communication mean (Phone/ Email...) information on contact applies to both relay and structure. Authorization only applies to relay. Contact criterion: Depends on contact type. If contact type is Structure, then applies to Structure only. If contact type is Both/ Individual, then applies to Relay only. Comparing 2 records which have the official name filled (can be (2) or (3)), based on structure information (official_name, address_name1, address_name2) + Address information (line1, line2, line3, zipcode, town, town_complement, country) → Decide if the same structure or different structures. If relay has different address with structure, create a new data file with the operation "UPDATE" in order to update the address for relay. Same rule with Communication mean (Phone/ Email...)
In case you want to associate a contact to a criteria or structure type. Follow these links: Define criteria's for the contacts and Define type of structure to create the records.