Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why are Tickets compared between Secutix and Fortress?
The new parameter which compares a list of tickets between Secutix and Fortress within the synchronize tickets schedule in Access Control Interface (Please refer to Ticket Synchronization schedule) has been created because none of the Fortress Services are idempotent. That means that, when calling a Fortress Webservice in multiple occasion, execution will fail because tickets would have been added previously to FT system
How does work the parameter to synchronize tickets for a specific match?
The mandatory parameter, located on the Access Control Interface (Synchronize ticket schedule) “Event and performance” to synchronize ticket for a match follows the format: eventCode;DD/MM/YY hh:mm
Filtering by this parameter, just tickets from the specific match will be called in Fortress System.
Why is a ticket not present in Fortress when I print it during the purchase order, as it was the case with V1?
Even if a ticket has been printed on Secutix while a purchase has been completed, operator will need to use access control interface and synchronise the tickets to call Fortress system and push the ticket on FT system. This will allow Secutix to communicate fortres
How Can I validate that Access control Interface is working properly?
1.Sell a ticket for each stand (STX = Area) of the venue, wait depending of Schedule synchronization ticket, check that those tickets can pass the gate in Fortress.
In case it where not working, check the error logs in the executions and work out until the tickets are accepted/are refused at the gates.
How can I validate that External Printing Interface is working properly?
- Sell a season ticket mapped to Fortress and print it on the Fortress printer. It must be printed by the Fortress printer (check in the execution logs for errors if it does not print)
- Add an additional match on this season ticket, wait depending of Schedule synchronization ticket and see if the ticket can pass the gate (it should). If it does not pass, check in the access control logs to find the error.
Is it possible to purchase by unnumbered seats?
Yes, it is possible to add in the configuration an "unnumbered seat area", and when purchasing the ticket select this area tickets.