Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In case you want to associate a contact to a criteria or structure type. Follow these links: Define criteria’s criteria's for the contacts and /wiki/spaces/DOCEN/pages/41620787 to create the records.




Global fields


Field codeField typeMandatoryDescription
CONTACT_NRText 20Yes if OPERATION The field CONTACT_NR is mandatory for all OPERATION that is not INSERT.

Contact number. If your contact numbers have leading zeros, they must also be given.Note: The field CONTACT_NR is mandatory for all OPERATION that is not INSERT, as they will be kept; the contact number is stored as a text.

To be able to import existing contact numbers, the sequence for contact numbers must be adapted to generate numbers high than the highest imported contact number so that new contacts do not get an existing value. This is to be handled outside the import file.

ROLEEnum Role of the contact when it is created. If the field is left empty, RELAY will be used when Individual and structure data are given. PUBLIC when only individual or structure data is given.
TITLEText 200 

Data will be imported if value is defined.


If value is empty, these fields will be interpolated from the TITLE field, according to the language of the individual.

Ex: if TITLE = 'MR'



FUNCTIONText The function of the contact (Head of operations, Chairman, ...)

Free remark.

Adding two pipes « || » at the beginning will add the text to an existing remark instead of overwriting it.


Field codeField typeMandatoryDescription

The code must be created as described in Define criteria’s criteria's for the contacts.

  • Several values can be given. They need to be separated by pipes.
  • On the CONFIG row, the user can define the default co


Field valueComment
PREFCOL=RedThe preferred color is Red only
PREFCOL=Red|GreenThe preferred color is Red and Green
Red|GreenPREFCOL must have been defined in a CONFIG row